• Berlitz method

    Berlitz method
    *Author:Maximilian Berlitz
    *Characteristics:This method is based on the natural form
    in which a child learns his mother tongue
    *Teacher's role:Guide
    *Student's role:Active and participative
  • Direct method

    Direct method
    *Author:Maximilian Berlitz
    *characteristics:The method to teach a language is through demonstrations and actions of what we want to teach
    *Teacher´s role: Active
    *student´s role:Active
  • Situational method

    Situational method
    *Author:Harold Palmer, Hornby y Pittman
    *Characteristics:Language was taught through structures used in contexts or situations.
    *student's role:Active
    *Teacher's role:Active
  • Grammatical translation method

    Grammatical translation method
    *Author:Frederick the Great
    *Characteristics:Learning grammar rules and their application in the translation of words or sentences from one language to another.
    *Teacher´s Role: active
    *student´s role: pasive

    *Author:Bloomfield y Charles Fries
    *Approach: structural
    *Characteristics:Students listened, repeated and memorized recordings of dialogues made by natives.
    *teacher's role:Active
    * Student's role:Pasive
  • Audiovisual method

    Audiovisual method
    *Author:Luis Grandía
    *Characteristics:Give priority to oral language
    before the writing. The oral language is always presented accompanied by an image that the represents
    *student's role:Active
    *Teacher's role:Active
  • Total physical response

    Total physical response
    *Author: James Asher
    *Characteristics:It suggests that when we learn a language, we do it through a process of code decryption
    *Teacher's role:Active
    *Student's role:Active
  • Silence method

    Silence method
    *Author:Caleb Gattegno
    *Characteristics:use of silence as a teaching technique
    *Teacher's role:supervisor
    *Student's role:Active
  • Sugestopedia

    *Author: Georgi Lozanoz
    *characteristics:The main objective of Sugestopedia is to take advantage of the mental potential of students in order to accelerate the process by which they learn to understand and use
    a language
    *Teacher´s role: Active
    *student´s role:Active
  • Communicative method

    Communicative method
    *Characteristics:The student uses the language in a variety of contexts.
    *student's role:Active
    *Teacher's role:Active