
History of Hospitality and Tourism (by Michael Wood)

By ikewoo
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    Early Civilizations

    Early Civilizations
    During Early Civilizations people travelled by foot due to the lack of transportation methods. Instead of travelling for pleasure, most people travelled only for their own benefit, such as to find food or to find shelter from stronger tribes and rough weather. However, when the time came some tribes did travel for other reasons, either for business purposes like trading or just for pleasure, such as travelling in order to perform religious celebrations and socialize with others.
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    As Civilization Developed

    As Civilization Developed
    As civilization developed, hospitality began to change. The strongest tribes controlled the resoures of an area leaving little for other inhabitants. The populaces of many areas were enslaved by the conquerors and were stripped of their possessions. Two groups of people, known as the Sumerians and the Phoenicians, seeked to increase their wealth instead of fighting. They established early trade routes, introduced coinage and made maps, making it easier for people to travel.
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    4800 B.C. - A.D. 300

    4800 B.C. - A.D. 300
    Once again, travelling became easier thanks to the advancements made by the major empires of this time period; the Egyptians, the Greeks and the Romans. For the first time, people were encouraged to travel and were attracted to the beautiful cities created by the Egyptians. During this time, there were much more reasons to travel. Trading wasn't new, but travelling now allowed people to complete government business and get an education.
  • Period: 400 to Jan 1, 1400

    Middle Ages

    During the Middle Ages, kingdoms were spread across the land, where royal families ruled under one law. Fearing these powers, merchants began to travel into the countryside, including the famous Marco Polo. He travelled between Europe and the Far East, selling goods and merchandise that was new and exciting as it came from foreign land. Interest in these items gave people a new sense of curiosity and desire to learn of these foreign places, helping humanity through these "dark ages."
  • Period: 400 to Jan 1, 1200

    Roman Era (Pt. I)

    By 400 B.C., the Roman Empire had expanded into an enitre nation, lasting for around 800 years. Even though the Roman Empire in no more, they still have influence in many parts of the world. Since the Romans were spread all across Europe, they needed an efficient way to get around. The Roman Empire built more than 80 000km of roads throughout Europe. This allowed much easier access to the different areas throughout Roman territory, making travelling much more convenient.
  • Period: 400 to Jan 1, 1200

    Roman Era (Pt. II)

    With the help of their roadways, the Romans brought their culture, language and way to life to many different parts of the world. With a strong government, the Romans were capable of establishing laws that provided peace and security to the people. For the first time in history, travel was easy and safe. The Romans also took care of tourists by building taverns, restaurants and entertainment facilities throughout their cities. Once Rome lay in ruins, travel became less and less popular.
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    17th - 19th Century

    During this time period, an event arose that is still present in today's society. "Le Grand Tour" occured when England's nobility decided to send their sons to the Continent due to the lack of education at home. The event taught the sons imporatant skills that they would need once they took hold of their fathers estates. They learned different languages, financial skills and became knowledgable in religion and legal matters. Unlike today, the trip lasted for several years instead of days.
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    Tourism underwent a dramatic change during the Industrial Revolution. By introducing machines into the hands of workers, the focus of an agrarian lifestyle changed to an indutstrial one, meaning the use of machines became much more frequent. With a new industrial economy came an emerging middle class; a class that had regular opportunities to travel due to the money they made and the time they acquired. Major changes during this era include the steam engine and the automobile.
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    Aside from the introduction of steamships, steam trains and the automobile, air travel also made its first appearance. All of these inventions allowed people to travel on their own time and to various destinations. For the first time, people could travel independately thanks to the automobile. Focusing back on air travel, the air routes established over land and sea were reduced from months of travel to mere days of travel. Tourism had once again began to grow, and was now faster than ever.
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    World War II (Pt. I)

    WIth the outbreak of the war around the 1940s, travel once again became dangerous. It seemed that everytime tourism became popular, a single event had the power to change that. People rarely travelled for pleasure during the war. In fact, many families were pulled from their homes to either escape war or fight in the war. Those who returned, came back with the knowledge of other cultures to share with friends and family, sparking an interest in these foreign places.
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    World War II (Pt. II)

    Even though travel was limited during the Second World War, many technological advancements regarding travel and transportation were made. Planes and automobiles were being created faster, bigger and even more comfortable, as these traits were necessary in order for the Allies to reign supreme.
  • After WWII

    After WWII
    Even after the war had ended, the modernized machines that were built for the war remained as transportation. This allowed tourism to once again, begin to grow into a bigger and better industry. Nations that had already industrialized had a higher income rate as well as more leisure time. Transportation systems were safer and more accessible than ever before. Together, these new aspects of tourism pared with the use of all around common currency helped make tourism what it is today.
  • Modern Day Tourism (Pt.I)

    Modern Day Tourism (Pt.I)
    Today, tourism is at it's peak, with people travelling from their homes to places of all corners of the earth. The hospitality and tourism industry had made its way all around the globe, with hotels and reststops appearing almost anywhere you go. Even though travelling is as popular as ever, certain events regarding terrorism have changed the way we travel. Several major attacks, such as the attack on the World Trade Center, have made travel a more tiring ordeal.
  • Modern Day Tourism (Pt. II)

    Modern Day Tourism (Pt. II)
    Airlines have become very strict as to what you can and can't bring on-board. Some may find this to be annoying, but safety is a number one priorty in the hospitality and tourism industry. Tourism itself as become a target for terrorists, and it's hard to say when it will stop, if it ever does stop. However, even with all these negative events occuring throughout the world, tourism has remained a popular, and will only continue to grow as an industry and a hobby.
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    The Future

    It is hard to say what will become of tourism as time goes on. However, one can assume that it will only countinue to get better. With new discoveries being made each day, technology will only continue to improve, ultimately helping the hospitality and tourism industry in it's quest to make money and provide enjoyment for the people. Perhaps one day the tourism industry will achieve its goal of making travel as convienant and safe as it can be. The least we can do is hope that it will.