
History of English

By Lau31
  • 450 BCE


    As the Romans leave Britain an a lot of Germanic tribes arrived. Tribes such as the Angles and the Saxons. Their vocab was much useful (four of our days of the week were named in honor of Anglo-Saxon gods).
  • 597

    Missionaries and Vikings

    Missionaries and Vikings
    Christian missionaries brought more Latin like martyr,bishop.
    Vikings came later with words like crag and die.
  • 1066

    French Language

    French Language
    William the Conqueror invade England with his French language (beef, mutton and pork). French was for all official business. Latin was still used, but the common man spoke English words. English absorbed about 10,000 new words from the Normans, but after 116 year of war against France , English took over as the language of power (1453).
  • Period: 1564 to

    William Shakespeare

    He Invented about 2,000 new words and phrases, like eyeball, puppy dog, lackluster and hob-nob. His poetry showed us that English was rich, vibrant and expressive language.
  • Period: to


    British empire decided to take a trip, discovering the barbecue (1650), the canoe (1550), and gobbled up around yen million square miles and four hundred million people, leaving new varieties of English to develop all over the globe.
  • The King James Bibles

    The King James Bibles
    It was an English translation of the bible.
  • Britain Physicists

    Britain Physicists
    Robert Hooke (1623-1703), Robert Boyle ( 1627-1691) and Isaac Newton (1643-1727), at first worked in Latin. Then science was discovering things and words like,acid, gravity, electricity, tonsil, ovary and sternum.
  • English spreaded

    English spreaded
    Dr. Johnson (lexicographer), whose dictionary of the English language(1746-1755) contained forty two thousand seven hundred and seventy three entries. In 1857 a new dictionary was started, it would become the oxford English.
  • American English

    American English
    When Brits landed in America , they borrowed words like raccoon and moose from the native Americans. Later a wave of immigrants arrived like Germans (1889), Italians (with their pizza 1935). There are some old forgotten English words that lived on in America (fall, diapers), while Brits moved on autumn, nappies.
  • Internet and English language

    Internet and English language
    Language reverb to type. Before internet English changed through people speaking it. Right now around 1.5 billion people speak English ( a quarter are native speakers, a quarter speak it as their second language).