
History of Electronic Music

  • How did it Begin

    How did it Begin
    Clavecin Electrique built by Jean Baptiste de La Borde - Keyboard that employed static electrical charges to make sounds.
  • Define Electronic Music

    Define Electronic Music
    Music that employs electronic musical instruments and electronic music technology in its production - begin end of 19th Century
  • Electronic Music Begins to Emerge

    Electronic Music Begins to Emerge
    Spirited American Inventor - Thaddeus Cahill - Invented the Telharmonium
  • More Instruments Created

    More Instruments Created
    The Wurlizter and the Theremin
  • New Technology

    New Technology
    Magnetic tape recording technology - was able to record sound - could store and manipulate sound
  • RCA to Manufacture and Market

    RCA to Manufacture and Market
    Leon Theremin signed a licensing agreement with RCA to make versions of his instrument.
  • Further Instrument Expansion

    Further Instrument Expansion
    Laurens Hammond develops Hammond Organ - similar to the Telharmonium
  • Musique Concrete Discovered

    Musique Concrete Discovered
    Pierre Schaeffer and Pierre Henry - first song by electromechanical means created - Etude aux chemins de fer (Railway Etude)
  • Graphic Notation

    Graphic Notation
    New kind of music needed new kind of notation
  • Les Paul

    Les Paul
    Les Paul invented the electric guitar. He had a large affect on electronic music and its popularity.
  • Introduction of Computers

    Introduction of Computers
    First songs created on computers - Illiac Suite for String Quartet
  • New Synthesizers coming about

    New Synthesizers coming about
    RCA Mark II, Moog, Minimoog, Buchla
  • Music Groups Using Electronic Music

    Music Groups Using Electronic Music
    Beatles and Beach Boys become popular using synthesizers and electronic music.
  • Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI)

    Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI)
    Created standard language for instruments so that instruments and computers could talk to each other.
  • Turntablism

    Art of changing shounds and creating music using a turnable because popular.
  • Laptops, iPhones and iPads

    Laptops, iPhones and iPads
    New ways of music being created. People are using their laptops, iphones and ipads.