History of Autism

  • Autism First Used

    Autism First Used
    Eugen Bleuler was a Swiss psychiatrist. He was the first person to use the term, autism. He started using this term around 1911.
  • Grunya Sukhareva

    Grunya Sukhareva
    Grunya Sukhareva was a child psychiatrist in Kiev, Russia. She wrote about six children with autistic traits which then was published in a scientific German psychiatry and neurology journal.
  • Louise Despert

    Louise Despert
    Louise Despert was a psychologist in New York. She studied 29 cases of childhood schizophrenia. Some of the cases involved symptoms that are today's classification of autism.
  • Reactions of Children

    Reactions of Children
    Leo Kanner published a paper describing 11 patients who were fascinated with objects and had a “resistance to (unexpected) change.” Later on he named this condition “infantile autism.”
  • Creation of Asperger's Syndrome

    Creation of Asperger's Syndrome
    Hans Asperger was an Austrian pediatrician. He published scientific studies of children with autism. In a study of four boys ages 6 to 11, he found similarities in their behaviors like being fully interested in one thing at a time and not wanting to socially interact with others. He formed the term Asperger's Syndrome.
  • Refrigerator Mothers

    Refrigerator Mothers
    Leo Kanner states his theory that autism is caused by "refrigerator mothers." This is to describe parents who are cold and detached from their children.
  • Childhood Schizophrenia

    Childhood Schizophrenia
    In the first edition of the American Psychiatric Associations's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), children with symptoms of autism are labeled as having childhood schizophrenia.
  • Deeper Thinking of Refrigerator Mother

    Deeper Thinking of Refrigerator Mother
    Bernard Rimland published Infantile Autism: The Syndrome and Its Implications for a Neural Theory of Behavior. This was about challenging the “refrigerator mother” theory and discussing the neurological factors in autism.
  • Start of ABA

    Start of ABA
    Ole Ivar Lovaas starts working on his theory of Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) therapy for autistic children.
  • Schooling

    The Sybil Elgar School begins teaching and caring for children with autism.
  • First Meeting of National Society of Autistic Children

    First Meeting of National Society of Autistic Children
    A group of parents with autistic children had their first meeting of the National Society of Autistic Children. This group is now called the Autism Society of America.
  • Refrigerator Mother

    Refrigerator Mother
    Bruno Bettelheim writes Empty Fortress. This writing talks and agrees with the “refrigerator mother” theory as the cause of autism. He agreed that parents who are cold and detached to their children cause autism.
  • Triad of Impairment

    Triad of Impairment
    Lorna Wing proposes the concept of autism spectrum disorders. She stated the “triad of impairment.” The three areas involved in autism are social interaction, communication, and imagination.
  • The Start of The Summit Center

    The Start of The Summit Center
    Nancy Harris was interested in widening the speech and language skills of her son who was born with a severe hearing loss. She is the founder of The Summit Center (originally known as the Language Development Program) located in Buffalo. The Summit Center offers many services for individuals with autism.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    The Education for All Handicapped Children Act was put in place to meet the needs and protect the rights of individuals with disabilities.
  • Role of Genetics

    Role of Genetics
    The first study was conducted on twins and autism. The study founded that genetics play a role in autism.
  • Third Edition of DSM

    Third Edition of DSM
    The third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III) includes criteria for a diagnosis of infantile autism for the first time.
  • Autism Services, Inc.

    Autism Services, Inc.
    Autism Services, Inc. (ASI) was founded in1982 as a Saturday recreation program for children with autism. ASI offers support in many ways through an education program for adolescents ages 5-21, adult day services program that encourage community inclusion and work-readiness, 13 residences, a well-respected visual and performing arts program, and extensive community outreach offerings.
  • ABA

    Dr. Ivar Lovaas conducted a study with sixty children with Autism. He concluded that intense therapy is beneficial to these individuals and will help them learn skills.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    Autism became classified as a disability category in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). With this addition in IDEA, it makes it easier for autistic children to get special education services.
  • Eye Opening Truths

    Eye Opening Truths
    Temple Grandin wrote Emergence—Labeled Autistic. This is a book about her life with autism and how she lives successfully with it.
  • Vaccines Trigger Autism?..... NO

    Vaccines Trigger Autism?..... NO
    Andrew Wakefield published his paper suggesting that the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine triggers autism. Later it was proved that vaccines do not cause autism.
  • Autism Awareness Puzzle Ribbon

    Autism Awareness Puzzle Ribbon
    The Autism Awareness Puzzle Ribbon was adopted by the Autism Society. The ribbon is for “the universal sign of autism awareness.”
  • Autism Speaks Inc.

    Autism Speaks Inc.
    Autism Speaks Inc. is the largest autism advocacy organization in the United States. This group has a lot of resources for families, public and individuals.
  • Autistic Self Advocacy Network

    Autistic Self Advocacy Network
    Ari Ne'eman founded the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Autism Spectrum Disorder
    The DSM-5 combines autism, Asperger’s, and childhood disintegrative disorder into autism spectrum disorder.
  • One in 54 Children

    One in 54 Children
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention determines one in 54 children have been identified with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD).