
History of Animation

  • Phenakistoscope

    Created by Joseph Plateau this was the first widespread animation device that created the motion illusion. This device was created with a spinning disc attached vertically to a handle.
  • Kineograph/ Flip Book

    Kineograph/ Flip Book
    A Flip book is one of the first inventions of animation.Where the user of the flip book bends the book back and then gradually frees the hand to see a series of drawings or animation.
  • Praxinoscope

    An animation device created by french inventor Charles-Émile Reynaud that is similar an earlier invention called the Zoetrope. It is a animation device that uses 12 rectangular mirrors that is placed in the center of a cylinder. The rotating mirrors illustrates a fluent animation.
  • Théâtre Optique

    Théâtre Optique
    A further developed praxinoscope by Charles-Émile Reynaud. Instead of mirrors the images were projected by transparent hand painted colorful picures in a long perforated strip wound between 2 spools. His invention was patented in 1888 his first program included three cartoons Pauvre Pierrot, Un bon bock, and Le Clown et ses chiens.
  • The Humpty Dumpty Circus

    The Humpty Dumpty Circus
    An animated short film by J. Stuart Blackton and Albert E. Smith. This was the first film of stop motion animation.Stop motion animation creates the illusion of movement by capturing the animation one frame at a time with physical objects that are moved between frames. This would go on to pave the way for many award wining movies in the future.
  • The Enchanted Drawing

    The Enchanted Drawing
    Created by J. Stuart Blackton The Enchanted Drawing is known to be the first standard picture film and in some instances known as animation. Blackton used the technique substitution splice where a single change to the scenes was the replacement of a drawing by a similar drawing with a different facial expression. There is still some controversy to whether to consider this film an animation or not due to this technique.
  • Fantasmagorie

    Created by French artist Émile Cohl this animation would become to be the first animated film known as the traditional animation we know today. This would be the start of an animation age known as The silent era. This film consists of a stick figure moving and morphing into other objects, such as a bottle of wine that transforms into a flower.
  • Rotoscoping & Animated Classics

    Rotoscoping & Animated Classics
    Rotoscoping, a easier animation process created by brothers Max and Dave Fleischer. This technique allowed for animators to trace over motion picture footage frame by frame, in order to produce a more realistic action. This allowed for their studio to create animation classics such as Ko-Ko the Clown, Betty Boop, Popeye the Sailor Man, and Superman in the up coming years.
  • Song Car-Tunes series

    Song Car-Tunes series
    19 sound cartoon films produced by Dave and Max Fleischer's inkwell studios.Although many people wrongly believe that Walt Disney's Steamboat Wille was the first cartoon with synchronize music the Fleischer brothers have been doing it since 1924. They used sound in their animations by using the sound-on-film process.
  • SteamBoat Willie

    SteamBoat Willie
    Created by Walt Disney this was Disney's first notable breakthrough.SteamBoat Wille consists of a mouse named Mickey on a steam boat making music using the animals aboard the steam boat. Many people mistakingly believe that Steamboat Willie was the first cartoon with synchronized sound however it was not.
  • Warner bros.

    Warner bros.
    in 1933 Warner Bros. cartoon was founded.This company created any beloved characters such as Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig any many more characters also known as the Looney Tunes. A big difference from the Disney's company and Warners was that the warner bros. gave their animators more freedom to release whenever they want so they can develop their own styles while Disney's releases were only controlled by Walt Disney.
  • Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs

    Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs
    Produced by Walt Disney, this was the first feature film that was completely hand drawn. This Snow White was very impactful to animation history due to the fact that Walt Disney had attempted something no other company had attempted before. This film paved the way for the making of many more Disney animated movies in the future that we know and love today.