History of 1970's

  • Form of tech Telephone 1970

    Form of tech   Telephone 1970
    Fact 1) First telephone ever is reffered too as the "Ma bell" Mainly because of its big protective look.
    Fact 2) Had what is called a finger roll, where you place your finger in a socket and turn it.
    Fact 3) Required landlines and had a "Anchor" which was completely self reliant on finding the right number. these are now completely obselete.
  • Period: to

    History of 1970's

  • Fashioln Punk 1971

    Fashioln Punk 1971
    Fact 1) Wore their haior in oversized Mohawks and dressed with spikes
  • Fashion 1972 Hippie

    Fashion 1972 Hippie
    Fact 1) wore bellbottoms and hats to match
  • News event The Munich Massacre 1972

    News event   The Munich Massacre 1972
    fact 1) The XXth Olympic Games were held in Munich, Germany in 1972. Tensions were high at these Olympics, because they were the first Olympic Games held in Germany
    Fact 2)Several of the Israelis fought back; two of them were killed. A couple of others were able to escape out windows. Nine were taken hostage.
    Fact 3)Less than two months later, the three remaining terrorists were released by the German government after two other Black September members hijacked a plane and threatened to blow it
  • President (Richard nixion) 1972

    President (Richard nixion) 1972
    Fact 1)Joined the Navy in 1942, serving in the South Pacific in World War II.
    Fact 2)Born in a Yorba Linda farmhouse in 1913; moved to Whittier in 1922.
    Fact 3)Led the House Un-American Activities Committee investigation of Soviet spy Alger Hiss, who was later sent to prison for perjury
  • Movie star ( Al Pachino) 1973

    Movie star ( Al Pachino) 1973
    Fact 1)1 the Panic In Needle park is what made Al to the big screen
    Fact 2)2 His role in god father as Don, made him one of the top actors of his time
    Fact 3) He was finally nominated for a oscart and won
  • Fashion Disco 1974

    Fashion Disco 1974
    Fact 1) three piece suits for men or a jersey wrap for women
  • Toys from the 1970's

    Toys from the 1970's
    Magic 8 ball
    (fact 1) Invented by abe Bookman
    Petrock 1975
    (Came with in a carboard box with breathing holes and things to take care of it)
    Double head coin
    Fact 1) many people were really fooled by 2 sided coins. it was taken off the market because of violence relating to the coin
  • TV show (Gunsmoke)

    TV show (Gunsmoke)
    Fact 1) A western drama series
    Fact 2) Stories take place in and around dodge city, Kansas
    Fact 3) Some epsiodes were made from scratch because producer was some times late too the set
  • Athelete (Walter payton). drafted 1975

    Athelete (Walter payton). drafted 1975
    Running back for Chicago bears
    Won 2 MVP medals his first years
    Was best known as "Sweetness"
  • Movie (Apocalypse Now) 1976

    Movie (Apocalypse Now) 1976
    Fact 1) Was based on vietnam war
    Fact 2) Movie was realeased 2 months late because of producer heart attack
    Fact 3) IIn the Sight and Sound Greatest Films poll, the film was ranked #14.
  • Transportation 1978 Pontiac Firebird Trans am

    Transportation  1978 Pontiac Firebird Trans am
    Fact 1) was in the movie smokie and the bandit
    Fact 2) Wider 8-inch wheels, new tires, and quicker steering
    Fact 3) A convertible trans am