History Holocaust Timeline Project

  • Einsatzgruppen

    Einsatzgruppen was a part of the security police that went around killing and mass-murdering so many jews, communists and gypsies
  • Schutzstaffel Organized

    The Schutzstaffel was an organization that Hitler created that would protect him and his nazi’s
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler was appointed Chancellor in 1933, starting his control which later leads to the war- affecting everyone, especially Germans.
  • Hitler claims Emergency Powers

    The Enabling Act gave Hitler emergency powers which he used to manipulate people into letting him be in charge-starting his way to take over which affects all of Germany
  • Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseases

    So this law forced sterilization on those who were different, which affected all those people (twins, mentally challenged people, those with disabilities etc.)
  • Nuremberg Laws

    These laws prevented Jewish germans from marrying non-Jewish germans which had a big effect on them
  • Law against Dangerous Habitual Criminals

    This law forbid criminals from having children. It made so many people ‘undergo sterilization’ which affected all those people.
  • Nazi’s Occupy Rhineland

    Nazi Germans marched into the demilitarized Rhineland-which affected and violated the Versailles treaty
  • Reichszentrale is created

    Himmler created the Reichszentrale to punish and persecute homosexuals, doing whatever they want to them.
  • Kristallnacht/The Night of Broken Glass

    Nazi’s vandalized and tortured Jewish people and sent many to concentration camps. This horrible night affected so many Jewish families who were killed, terrorized and separated
  • St. Louis Ship (with Jews)

    Gustav Schroder tried to save over 900 Jewish refugees from the nazis but they weren’t allowed to land in Cuba.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invaded Poland which started WW2. This affected so many Polish people as well as the Germans who started the war.
  • Creation of the Zigeunerlager

    Zigeunerlager was the german word for ‘gypsy camp’ where many gypsies were being held, which obviously affected the gypsies
  • Lodz Ghetto Opens

    Some gypsies (then called Roma) as well as some Polish Jews, lived in the Lodz ghetto, was one of the largest ghettos in Nazi Germany
  • Madagascar Plan presented

    The Madagascar plan was created by Nazi’s, where the objective was to ship Jewish people off to Madagascar where they would be exiled, yet held captive. This plan affected the Jewish
  • Auschwitz Opens

    Auschwitz was the largest extermination/concentration camp and so many people lost their lives there.
  • Babi Yar

    Jews were marched to the Babi Yar ravine, and were killed which obviously affected Jewish people
  • The Commisair Order

    Hitler’s invasion of Russia (Soviet Union). He wanted all the communists to be shot
  • Himmler Orders Liquidation of ghettos

    Himmler ordered the liquidation of ghettos, meaning that they would kill or transfer the pols, jews or gypsies living there to a concentration camp to torture them further
  • Yellow Star for German Jews

    Jews began to wear yellow stars on their clothes as a form of identification and ‘embarrassment’
  • Last Gassing at Auschwitz

    The Germans were trying to cover up Auschwitz so they had inmates work to cover it up before killing them, clearly affecting all those who were killed and forced to work
  • Wannsee Conference

    Nazi officials met to discuss what to ‘do’ with the Jewish
  • Dr. Josef Mengele arrives at Auschwitz

    Mengele experimented on twins and dwarfism in Auschwitz dong studies, before killing them to investigate further-affecting those he used in his ‘experiments’
  • Boycott of Jewish Businesses

    Nazi party organized a boycott against Jewish business and wanted germans to stop shopping at said businesses, affecting the german jews as well as the other germans
  • Himmler Orders Destruction of Auschwitz

    In order to try to cove up the mass killings, Himmler shut down Auschwitz which affected the minorities who got killed
  • Liberation of Auschwitz

    The soviets went to Auschwitz and freed all of the people stuck in camps. This affected those who finally got to be free.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler committed suicide which affected Germany, who surrendered the war
  • International Military Tribunal

    After the war, Germany was punished for all the horrible stuff they did during the war, clearly affecting Germany
  • Adolf Eichmann Captured

    Eichmann worked for the SS, was responsible for so many Jews put in camps -affecting many Jewish people
  • Dr. Josef Mengele dies

    Mengele was captured and drowned in 1979 which affected the people especially those who were seen as different (homosexuals, twins, etc.) that he “worked on” and killed at Auschwitz because it stopped that horribleness