
  • Period: 1300 to


  • 1305

    1300 - 1400 Proto-Renaissance.

    1300 - 1400 Proto-Renaissance.
    Giotto completes his work on the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua.
  • 1308

    1300 - 1400 Proto-Renaissance

    1300 - 1400 Proto-Renaissance
    Dante writes his epic poem the Divine Comedy.
  • 1485

    1400 - 1500 Early Renaissance

    1400 - 1500 Early Renaissance
    Henry VII becomes king of England beginning the reign of the House of Tudor.
  • 1495

    1495 - 1527 High Renaissance

    1495 - 1527 High Renaissance
    Leonardo da Vinci paints the Last Supper
  • 1527

    1527-1600 Mannerism Renaissance

    1527-1600 Mannerism  Renaissance
    Rome is sacked by the troops of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V.
  • 1550

    Age of absolutism

    Age of absolutism
    period after exploration providing European nations with vast overseas empires and wealth that strengthens the kings into absolute monarchs and the exploring
    nations into superpowers, but causes external conflicts, such as religious and colonial
    wars, and internal conflicts, such as revolutions and civil wars, as kings got so powerful.
  • Period: 1550 to

    Age of Absolutism

    Philip sent a fleet of 130 massive Spanish warships armed with
    3,000 cannons to crush England, but poor weather and Sir Francis Drake's smaller faster ships destroyed the Spanish Armada-1588
  • Period: 1550 to

    Age of absolutism

    asked for Parliament's support of when the Act of Supremacy
    created the Church of England
  • Period: 1550 to

    Age of absolutism

    inherited high taxes and debt,but continued France's luxury, then lost 7 Years War which gave England Canada and split Louisiana between
    England and Spain, so France lost all New World money
  • Period: 1550 to

    Age of absoutism

    asked for Parliament's support of when the Act of Supremacy
    created the Church of England
  • Period: to


    Rousseau published The Social Contract, Emile. Attempt to unite the liberty of the individual with the authority of the government. Emile was important for education
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    Treaty of Paris ends French and Indian War (1754-1763). Canada east of the Mississippi River added to the British empire.
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    The Proclamation of 1763 issued by King George III after the end of the French and Indian War / Seven Years' War to organize the new North American empire and stabilize relations with Native Americans. No British settlements allowed west of the Appalachian mountains. Settlers already in these areas required to return east
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    Patrick Henry presents seven Virginia Resolutions claiming that only the Virginia assembly can legally tax Virginia residents
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    Richard Arkwright invented the water frame, which hooked up spinning machines to a water wheel.
  • Period: to

    Napoleonic Era

    Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Corsica
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    The Quebec Act establishing a centralized government in Canada controlled by the British and extending the southern boundary of Canada into territories claimed by Massachusetts, Connecticut and Virginia.
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    Richard Henry Lee from Virginia delegate presents a formal resolution to the Continental Congress for America to declare its independence from Britain.
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    American troops under Benedict Arnold defeat the British at Ridgefield, Connecticut
  • Period: to


    Immanuel Kant publishes his Critique of Pure Reason, his analysis of the human mind and how it relates to nature.
  • Period: to


    emmanuel Kant publishes his Critique of Pure Reason, his analysis of the human mind and how it relates to nature.
  • Napoleonic Era

    Napoleonic Era
    Napoleon graduates from Ecole Militaire with the rank of second lieutenant in the artillery.
  • Period: to

    Napoleonic Era

    Napoleon graduates from Ecole Militaire with the rank of second lieutenant in the artillery
  • French revolution

    French revolution
    The Third Estate (commoners) declares the National Assembly
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    A large group of women (and men) march from Paris to Versailles to demand lower bread prices. They force the king and queen to move back to Paris.
  • Period: to


    Olympe de Gouges published a Declaration of the Rights of Woman.
  • French revolution

    French revolution
    France declares war against Austria.
  • French revolution

    French revolution
    The Committee of Public Safety is formed. It will rule France during the Reign of Terror.
  • French revolution

    French revolution
    King Louis XVI is executed by guillotine.
  • Period: to


    Thomas Paine's The Age of Reason was written. Condorcet wrote The Progress of the Human Mind.
  • Period: to

    Napoleonic Era

    Under the command of Admiral Nelson, the British fleet destroys the French navy in the Battle of the Nile. Napoleon's army is cut off from supplies and communication
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revoultion

    Combination Acts make it illegal in England for workers to unionize in order to bargain for higher pay or better working conditions.
  • Period: to

    French revolution

  • Period: to

    Napeoeonic Era

  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    Parliament passes law making it illegal by penalty of death to destroy industrial machines.
  • Period: to

    Industrial revoultion

    Stephenson’s Rocket wins the speed contest on the new Liverpool to Manchester railroad. 51 miles of railroad track in Great Britain and the entire world.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    British government sets up the General Board of Health to investigate sanitary conditions, setting up local boards to ensure safe water in cities.
  • Period: to

    Age of Absolutism

    Henry IV: ruled during the shock of the Protestant Reformation and used Edict of Nantes to declare religious toleration in France, but was murdered by a religious fanatic