Energy electrical good

Historical Energy Events

  • First Discovery

    First Discovery
    Benjamin Franklin first discovered electricity with a kite when he conduted experiments around the house.
  • Street Lamps

    Street Lamps
    They used natural gas to make street lamps in Baltimore.
  • Solar Cell

    Solar Cell
    Charles Fritts invented the first solar cell.
  • Hydropower

    The hydropower station opened in Niagara Falls. It gave the area electricity.
  • The First Car

    The First Car
    Henry Ford built the first automobile called the Quadricyle
  • Einstein the Great

    Einstein the Great
    Alberrt Einstein invented the famous formula E=mc2
  • Energy Speech

    Energy Speech
    President Carter says famous energy speech for conservation and alternative fuels.
  • The Oil Crisis

    The Oil Crisis
    OAPEC put an embargo on their oil. The price went from $3 to $12.
  • Oil Crisis

    Oil Crisis
    The end of the Oil Crisis
  • The T-Car

    The T-Car
    Henry Ford made the T Car. It ran off gasoline, ethanol, or both.