Henri poincaré

Henri Poincaré

  • Henri Poincaré is born

  • 1. Science and Hypothesis

    Poincaré has an interesting point of view for science and makes sense if ones ultimate goal is to understand the underlying nature of reality. He tries to describe science as being reducible and that its foundation lies with arithmetic. Although he places mathematics at the heart of science he says it could never reveal the nature of things and could only be used as a form of expressing what has been observed.
  • 4. Science and Hypothesis

    However, after studying calculus I was able to see how previous techniques allow us to build new techniques for analyzing questions and so the reductionist view of our world doesn’t contradict my view. My only concern is analyzing the source of nature or reality, which by Poincaré’s science will not allow us to detect it.
  • 2. Science and Hypothesis

    This statement makes sense because in a way mathematics will only be a form of description of the way nature behaves. It is said that Poincaré argued for a science that is between empiricism and rationalism and one cannot argue against this because who could refute what has been observed and logically explained mathematically? He makes four types of hypotheses central to his analysis of science, which are; verifiable hypotheses, indifferent hypotheses, natural hypotheses and apparent hypotheses.
  • 3. Science and Hypothesis

    It is difficult to see the full picture and the purpose of Poincaré’s structure of science. He believes we can reduce all information down to mathematics and then build up again from it to form observations. Although I see nothing wrong with this picture Poincaré laid out I only desire to see what he saw about mathematics in terms of arithmetic because even after personally reading a book on the Foundations of Arithmetic I was confused with how they built logical statements.
  • The Poincaré Conjecture

  • Major Work of Henri Poincaré

    Poincaré, Henri. The Value of Science. 1905.
  • Major Work of Henri Poincaré

    Poincaré, Henri. Science and Methods. 1908.
  • Henri Poincaré died