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Henri Poincaré

By AGalli
  • Jules Henri Poincaré

    Born April 29 1854 in Nancy, Lorraine region, France.
    Mathematician, theoretical physicist, and philosopher of science. Referred to as the last polymath. (Heinzmann and Stump)
  • Geometry

    Poincaré submitted a paper solving a problem in the theory of differential equations. For the first time he made use of non-Euclidean geometry, which was seen by most of his contemporaries as purely speculative (Heinzmann and Stump). Poincaré believed that one could choose either euclidean or non-euclidean geometry as the geometry of physical space (O'Connor and Roberston).
    (Image: Liu)
  • Principle of relativity

    Poincaré sketched a preliminary version of the special theory of relativity and stated that the velocity of light is a limit velocity and that mass depends on speed. He formulated the principle of relativity, according to which no mechanical or electromagnetic experiment can discriminate between a state of uniform motion and a state of rest (Murzi).
  • Poincaré Conjecture

    Poincaré Conjecture
    Known for his early formulation of the theory of relativity and for formulating the Poincaré conjecture, one of the most famous problems in mathematics (Contributors).
    (Image: Veisdal)
  • Death

    Poincaré was elected to the Académie des Sciences in 1887 and in 1906 was elected President of the Academy. The breadth of his research led to him being the only member elected to every one of the five sections of the Academy, namely the geometry, mechanics, physics, geography and navigation sections (O'Connor and Robertson).
    Died July 17 1912