Haymarket riot

Haymarket Riot

  • Strikes

    Strikes call for an eight hour work day for industrial workers.
  • Protestors Killed

    Protestors Killed
    In the McCormik Reaper Works factory strike several protestors are killed by police.
  • Bomb

    On the evening of May 4th police come to break up a peaceful demonstration at Haymarket Square. A bomb is thrown into the police ranks and police open fire.
  • Arrests

    Police arrest anarchists and labor activists.
  • Charges

    The grand jury indict 31 protestors as accsesory to murder eight are chosen to stand trial:Albert Parsons, August Spies, Oscar Neebe, Louis Lingg, George Engel, Adolph Fischer, Michael Schwab, Samuel Fielden.
  • Sentance

    The jury convicts most of the suspects in the trial to death.