
Great Depression

  • Hoover is elected president.

    Hoover is elected president.
    Republican Herbert Hoover is elected President of the United States
  • Boulder Dam

    Boulder Dam
    The Boulder Dam, later renamed Hoover Dam, gains congressional approval
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    The stock Market bottoms out, with the majority of stock owners rushing to sell their stocks, kick starting the great depression.
  • Hoovervilles

    Shantytowns began popping up around the U.S., nicknamed Hoovervilles.
  • Hawley-Smoot Tarrif

    THe Hawley-Smoot Tarrif is passed, rasing taxes on thousands og imported goods.
  • Franklin Roosevelt

    Franklin D. Roosevelt, or FDR, is elected president.
  • Glass-Steagal Act

    Glass-Steagal Act
    The Glass-Steagal Act is passed, separating investment and commercial banking activities.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority

    Tennessee Valley Authority
    The TVA, or Tennessee Valley Authority, is established to tackle problems such as flooding, providing electricity to homes and businesses, and replanting forests.
  • Period: to

    Hundred Days

    FDR's period of intense activity, known as his "Hundred Days", begins.
  • Fireside Chat

    Fireside Chat
    Roosevelt began his first "Fireside Chat", encouraging Americans to put their savings back in banks.
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    A new Dust Storm appears in the U.S., that continues to grow into the largest dust storm in the U.S.'s history. This becomes known as the dust bowl.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    The Social Security Act is passed, establishing a system for old age benefits for workers.
  • Snow White

    Snow White
    The animated film "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" is released, and is the first feature length animated movie.
  • Wizard of Oz

    Wizard of Oz
    The feature film Wizard of Oz is released, and is the first film to have technicolor.