Georgine WWI

  • The Assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand

    The Assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand
    The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand took place in Sarajevo, Bosnia. Shot to death by a group called The Black Hand.The Assassination of the Archduke wasn't the real reason of the first World War. There was already so much tension in the nation of A-H that the assassination of the Archduke was just the Last straw that trigger the war. I personal think that the war would have still happened even if the Archduke wasn't assassinated.
  • Europe goes to war

    Europe goes to war
    After The Archduke was assassinated Austro-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Due to the allies that were created Russia started to mobilized their army to protect Serbia. Once Russia started to mobilizes their army Germany declared war which then forces France to join in because France is Russia's ally.
  • Britain Declares War.

    Britain Declares War.
    Germany attacked France through Belgium and thats a big no-no because Belgium was a neutral they wanted nothing to do with a war. Belgium asks for help from Britain and Britain declares war on Germany.
  • War in Africa

    War in Africa
    Germany had four colonies in the East, West and South Africa. So France and Britain invaded Togoland which was Germany wireless station. It provided communication for German Ships.
  • The Battle of Mons

    The Battle of Mons
    The battle of Mons took place in Belgium this Britain first engagement in France. Britain small army was forces to retreat because their army was no match for the German army.
  • The Battle of the Marne

    The Battle of the Marne
    The German army was advancing towards Paris at this point, but France and Britain launch a counterattack.Both sides were as strong so the total casualties and the both sides were pretty much equal so that came up with a different strategy. And they took the war to thr trenches.
  • Britain Empires joins the war

    Britain Empires joins the war
    The Battle of La Bassee, Britain calls on it's Empires for help and 1.5 million Indian soldiers and 1.3 million Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders and South Africans came to Britain calls, making the allies even stronger.
  • France Colonies joins the war

    France Colonies joins the war
    France followed in Britain step and asked from help from it colonies in Africa. And this is when the war truly became a World War.
  • Siege of Tsingtao

    Siege of Tsingtao
    Britain and Japan forces attacks on the Port of Tsingtao- a German colony in China. Japanese soldiers seizes control. Japan also took over German colonies in Caroline, Mariana and Marshall Islands.
  • Poisonous gas in WWI

    Poisonous gas in WWI
    The Triple Entente and The Triple Allies both uses tear gas in the Winter of the First World War but Germany used a more deadly gas (xylyl bromide)-chlorine gas on January 3, 1915 killing over 7000 soldiers of the Triple Allies this cause uproar in the home front.
  • The Gallipoli campaign

    The Gallipoli campaign
    Australian, New Zealand, British, French and Indian troops mount an amphibious landing to take the peninsula of Gallipoli. The Allies were unable to defeat the Entente
  • Down goes The Lusitania

    Down goes The Lusitania
    The Lusitania was a civilian passenger liner that was sunk by a torpedo fired by a U-Boat. Over 1,200 people died (128 Americans). This forces America to join the war.
  • Conscription introduced in Britain

    Conscription introduced in Britain
    Britain was losing too many troops on the Western Front so the had to introduce Conscription to get more troop on their side. Conscription is drafting or the compulsory enlistment of people in a national service, most often a military service.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    This was the longest single battle of WWI and lasts nine months. The Germans fail to break through or exhaust the French army and when the battle is over both sides have lost around 300,000 soldiers
  • Battle of Jutland

    Battle of Jutland
    This was the biggest Naval War of the war. Britain lost more ships than Germany. Even through Germany was winning, Germany retreated and relied only on their U-Boats to defend the triple Entente on the sea front
  • The Battle of the Somme

    The Battle of the Somme
    The Battle of the Somme is known as the largest and bloodiest conflicts of World War One. Almost 20,000 British soldiers die on the first day alone
  • America enters the war

    America enters the war
    Germany send a telegram to Mexico indicating that they wanted to attack the United States so America joined the war.
  • Revolution in Russia

    Revolution in Russia
    Russia left the war due a uprising happening in their country which dismantled the Tsarist autocracy and led to the eventual rise of the Soviet Union.
  • Germany launches the Spring Offensive

    Germany launches the Spring Offensive
    The German armies had one last country to battle with them after Russia left the war so Germany launch an a major attack on France but the Offensive was cut short when you Americans arrived.
  • Hundred Days Offensive

    Hundred Days Offensive
    Americana and the Allies Troops carried out a series of sustained attacks on Germany forcing them to retreat. The allies launch a surprise attack at Amiens. And this lasted for 100 days.
  • Armistice

    Before the allies could invade Germany the Armistice was signed bringing the war on the Western Front to and end. At that point Germany known that they had already lost the war.