george washington

By Honor
  • george washington birthday

    george washington birthday
    he was born on February 22, 1732, in Westmoreland County, Virginia, United States
  • george washington dad dies unexpectedly.

    george washington dad dies unexpectedly.
    George Washingtons father dies when he is eleven.
  • george washington starts working

    george washington starts working
  • The unwritten two-term limit set by Washington would become the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution

  • george washington officially joins the military

    george washington officially joins the military
  • George washington lead the militia in to the french and indian war

    George washington lead the militia in to the french and indian war
    Washington led a party of 40 militiamen on an all night march towards the French position. On May 28, 1754
  • George washington joins the house of burgesses

    George washington joins the house of burgesses
  • Delegate to the Continental Congress

    Delegate to the Continental Congress
  • george washington chosen to lead the continental army in the revolutionary war

    george washington chosen to lead the continental army in the revolutionary war
  • Washington retires from the military

    Washington retires from the military
  • george washington becomes president

    george washington becomes president
  • He also set constitutional precedent by being the first president to use the Presidential Veto

    He also set constitutional precedent by being the first president to use the Presidential Veto
  • George washington leaves office

    George washington leaves office
  • george washington dies and sets his slaves free

    george washington dies and sets his slaves free
  • The unwritten two-term limit set by Washington would become the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution