Genetic Discoveries

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    Genetic Discoveries

  • Theory of Evolution

    Charles Darwin publishes "On the Origin of Species"
  • Gregor Mendel discovers heredity and the birth of genetics

    He experimented with pea plants and their family history and discovered a pattern, his work was before his time and will go unnoticed for a while.
  • Cloning Vertebrae

    Hans Spemann cloned a salamander by dividing the 2 cells of an embro
  • Discovered that DNA is carried by chromosomes

    Mr. Morgan and his students studied fruit fly genes
  • the first idea of Cloning

    Hans Spemann tried to remove a nucleus from an egg cell and replace the nucleus from another cell with that one
  • DNA structure is a Double Helix

    Watson and Crick stole Wilkins and Franklin's DNA structure discoveries
  • Enzymes copy DNA

    Discovered by Mr. Kornburg and friends
  • Genetic Code is Cracked

    They found that 4 nucleic acids determine the 20 kinds of amino acids, discovered by Marshall Nirenberg
  • Human Genome Project started

    project dedicated to understanding the human genetic code
  • Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)

    the first genetic discrimination law passed