Funeral 1


  • Period: 60,000 BCE to 50,000 BCE


    Neanderthals use flowers and antlers to decorate the dead. Although bodies were not buried at this time. Just were placed in areas or even in the open.
  • Period: 50,000 BCE to 24,000 BCE


    This was the first time bodies began to be buried underground.
  • Period: 24,000 BCE to 4000 BCE


    Embalming was created by the Egyptians as well as burial mounds were seen.
  • Period: 4000 BCE to 3400 BCE


    Mummification began to be the norm for Egyptians as it was the best way of going into the afterlife.
  • Period: 3500 BCE to 400 BCE


    Funeral pyres existed for the purpose of cremating individuals. This was done by the ancient Greeks.
  • Period: 400 BCE to 300

    Japanese Burial Methods

    in Japan, they created keyhole shaped burial mounds which were mainly used for important figures.
  • Period: 400 to


    Coffins were created to protect "body snatching" especially during the Napoleonic Wars.
  • Period: to

    Chinese Methods

    In China people began burying people into the side of mountains.
  • Period: to

    Cremation is back

    Cremation became legal in England and began to be popularized again.
  • Period: to


    Over 10,000 jobs were created because of the funeral industry.
  • Period: to

    Funeral Homes

    25,000+ Funeral Homes were created in the U.S. alone.
  • Period: to

    Various Events

    -JFK buried at Arlington National Cemetery
    - "American Way of Death" - A famous book by Jessica Mitford came out.
    - The Catholic church began to accept cremation
  • Period: to

    Memorial Day

    Memorial Day became a federal holiday in the U.S.
  • Period: to


    People are customizing everything when it comes to funerals including coffins, urns and how they are to be buried. It is being a more complex system nowadays.