Boom. Roasted. The life of Clucky the Chicken

  • Day 1

    We did not plant day one
    weather: 73 degrees F, cloudy, 12 m/h wind, 88% humidity
  • Day 2

    Day 2
    Planting Day
    Weather: 87 degrees F, cloudy, 10 m/h wind, 83% humidity
  • Day 3

    Weekend, no entry
    Weather: 77 degrees F, raining, 12 m/ h wind, 84% humidity
  • Day 4

    Weekend, No Entry
    Weather: Weekend- 74 degrees F, raining/ cloudy, 9 m/h wind, 88% humidity
  • Day 5

    Day 5
    Several maggots found along with 2 adult flies. Body was moved from under bin and some meat was missing from the body showing bones.
    Weather: 63 degrees F, partly cloudy, 14 m/h wind, 56% humidity
  • Day 6

    Animal has been dragged. All skin/meat is gone, and all that is left is bones. Only a few small flies were spotted.
    Weather: 67 degrees F, mostly cloudy, 11 m/h wind, 45% humidity
  • Day 7

    Day 7
    Animal was left inside of container. Hundreds of maggots were found on the chicken as well as on the inside of the conatiner.Maggots are about .5 cm
    Weather: 65 degrees F, cloudy, 14 m/h winds, 93% humidity
  • Day 8

    Day 8
    Bones have broken into pieces, no bones are left intact. Several maggots left, but no flies have been spotted. Maggots are about 1 cm in length.
    Weather: 73 degrees F, cloudy, moist, 12 m/h winds, 88% humidity
  • Day 9

    Day 9
    Decomposition prossess is complete. Maggots and flies are gone and only bones remain. 73º F, cloudy, 13m/h winds, and 81% humidity.
  • Day 10

    Decomposition prossess is complete. Maggots and flies are gone and only bones remain. 80º F, partly cloudy, 9m/h winds, and 81% humidity.
  • Day 11

    81º F, partly cloudy, 8 m/h winds, 80% humidity
  • Day 12

    Day 12
    Decomposition prossess is complete. Maggots and flies are gone and only bones remain. 79º F, partly cloudy, 8m/h winds, and 81% humidity.