French Revolution

  • Louis XVI crowned king of France

    Louis XVI crowned king of France
    .Louis Auguste became Louis XVI of France with the death of his grandfather. When Louis had risen he was faced with serious debt that was left from his grandfather. In the early years of his reign he focused on religious reformity and revoked The Edict of Nantes. But he almost drove the country into bankruptcy in mid-1780s from taking out international loans.
  • American Revolution begins

    American Revolution begins
    The American Revolution was a war fought between the American colonies and the British government. The main reason why the war had begun was the taxation issue. The American colonies debated England’s legal power to tax them and did no longer want to be taxed without representation. The first major fight between the American and British troops was in Boston at the battle of Bunker Hill.
  • Calling of the Estates General

    Calling of the Estates General
    The king called a meeting of the Estates General to get some advice on a tax issue. The third estate believed that the clergy and the nobility should have to pay more taxes and of course they didn’t think so. So they had a vote on what they should do and each estate gets one vote; and it was a vote that would not be in favor of the nobility or the clergy so they were outnumbered every time.
  • Formation of the National Assembly

    Formation of the National Assembly
    The National Assembly was formed by the representatives of the third estate. The National Assembly included the third estate and the nobility after the King refused to give the third estate more votes since they represented more than 90% of the population. And the nobility broke off because they were mad that the king tried to make them pay more taxes.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath was an oath that everyone in the national assembly took. Saying that they would not separate and meet when the needed until the constitution of them kingdom was restored.
  • Attack on the Batille

    Attack on the Batille
    The Storming of the Bastille was an attack on the Bastille prison that was holding many prisoners that had been charged under the rule of Robespierre. Many men stormed in the Bastille with muskets, swords, and many makeshift weapons; ninety-eight eight people killed.
  • French women force Louis XVI to leave the Palace of Versailles

    French women force Louis XVI to leave the Palace of Versailles
    On Ocotber 4, 1789 the women of Versailles marched their way to the place of Versailles and demanded that they have bread. The king promised the women to distribute the bread, which he did among the crowd. The King and Marie Antoinette weren’t safe so they had to leave Versailles and go to Paris.
  • Declaration of war against Austria

    Declaration of war against Austria
    The war against Austria was a war fought between France and Austria. The war against Austria happened because revolutionaries believed that war would unify the countries.
  • National Convention is formed

    National Convention is formed
    The National Convention was an assembly that governed France from September 21, 1792-October 26, 1795. They were elected to overthrow the monarchy in France and provide a new Constitution.
  • Louis XVI is executed

    Louis XVI is executed
    After Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were caught trying to sneak out of France he was thrown in the Bastille with all the prisoners. Later the Jacobins decided that the king was charged with treason and he was executed January 21, 1793.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror is a time period that was under the Jacobins rule; radical political organization. They executed anyone who was in thought of conspiring against them. Even if there was little to no evidence to go off of.
  • The Thermidorian Reaction

    The Thermidorian Reaction
    Is the date when Robespierre and other radical revolutionaries came under attack in the National Convention. the parliamentary revolt initiated on 9 Thermidor, year II which resulted in the fall of Maximilien Robespierre and the Reign of Terror in France.
  • The Directory is Formed

    The Directory is Formed
    The directory was a revolutionary government set up by the constitution. It was a five-member committee who chose government minster, ambassadors, army generals, tax collectors, and other officials. This government only lasted four years until 1799 until Napoleon over threw it.
  • Napoleon takes power

    Napoleon takes power
    Napoleon brought down the regime of the directory that had formed after Robespierre had fallen. His dictatorship started November 9, 1799 where he ruled until 1815. In that time he made the Napoleonic code and managed to stabilize France’s tax system, reformed education, and found midway between religious leaders and revolutionary reforms. Although an absolute monarchy was no longer allowed, Napoleon still had some absolute monarchy features and rules.
  • Period: to

    Napoleon invades Russia

    France invades Russia or what the Russians call it, The Patriotic War. The Patriotic was was a war between France and Russia led by Napoleon. It lasted for about five months. Napoleon made the grave mistake by taking his army to defeat one of the largest European armed forces ever. By the end of the five months Napoleon’s army was wiped out by freezing temperatures, food shortage, disease, and Russian assaults. After the battle Napoleon was exiled to the island of Elba where he later escaped.
  • The Battle of Waterloo

    The Battle of Waterloo
    A battle fought between a French army led by Napoleon and two of the armies of the Seventh Coalition; where the French army was defeated. Napoleon tried to go at them all at once but the Seventh Coalition had built a wall of themselves so when Napoleon’s army came in they just took them down.