French and Indian War

  • Colonial Leaders Meet

    Colonial Leaders Meet
    Leaders met in Albany New York to talk about French forces. Seven colonies send delegates to the meeting. Benjamin Franklin was a representative. He said colonies should fight the French
  • British Governor

    British Governor The governor sent 150 soldiers to take over the Ohio Valley. George Washington was the leader. After the first fight they build Fort Necessity.
  • Parliament

    The fight was on. Britian's Parliament sent more troops to help fight the French. General Edward Braddock led the British.
  • Early Defeats for British

    Early Defeats for British
    Braddock had 1,800 troops that marched to Fort Duquesne. He brought George Washington along to advise him.
  • Loses for British

    Loses for British
    British troop was used to fighting in the open. The French and Indians hid behind rocks and trees. The early battles didn't go so well.
  • Britain Wins Control

    Britain Wins Control
    Britain sends more troops and slowly they start winning more of the fights. There was even some fighting going on in Europe.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    War ends in 1763. The treaty give Britain most of Canada, French lands east of Mississippi River, and Spanish Florida. France nearly lost all lands in America.
  • More Troubles

    More Troubles
    Ottawa Indians fought to keep their lands. They attacked colonists' settlement around the forts.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    King George announced that all lands west of the Appalachian Mts. were to be left to the Indians. This did not happen
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    After the war, Britain needed more money to pay off the war. They taxed the people with the Sugar Act. That made the colonist mad and angry.