Franklin d roosevelt  the death of fdr

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Tommy Yzaguirre

  • Birth

    The day I was born!
  • Period: to


    The days ware I was a stay at home kid.
  • Grotor school

    Grotor school
    My first school
  • Graduate

    Grad Grotor school
  • College

    Harvard College,get smart people
  • Engaged

    Engaged to eleanor roosevelt at harvard
  • Graduate

    Graduated Harvard College. Super smart
  • Married

    Got married to Eleanor Rossevelt
  • law school

    Law school,it was boring so I quit.
  • New York senate

    New York senate
    At age 28,I was the first democrat in 32 years,total landslide!
  • Secretary of navy

    Secretary of navy
    Supported Louis Howe, as a reward got a job, secretary of the navy!
  • Period: to

    cheated on my wife

    mid 1916
  • New York governer

    AL smith pushed me to run for state governor so I did and won!
  • New Deal

    I made the new deal program such as ccc,wpa,nra,tva
  • Third term

    I won the third term as u.s presidents
  • Navy is growing

    I grew the navy to become very strong.
  • Period: to

    Helping France

    Helped with troops and became commander in chief, Helped destine d-day, Sicily,Italy attacks.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Bombing of Pearl Harbor, Declare world war 2
  • Getting Sick

    Was Diogenes with atherosclerosis,coronary,artery disease,congestive heart failure.
  • Death

    Died of a stroke. R.I.P