Foundations of America-KT

  • Noah Webster and the

    Noah Webster and the
    Noah Webster was the first man to create an all American book to help with spelling, pronouncing and reading for children. This book incorporated teachings from the founding fathers. We still use many words and language from this book today.
  • The Northwest Ordinance

    This Ordinance provided a plan for Westward Expansion of the United States. This Ordinance also helps to protect education by having each state include provisions for education. This helped emphasize just how important education was.
  • Beecher and Female Teachers

    Catharine Beecher was a women largely involved in the push for women to go into education. She claimed it was our purpose here on earth, and promoted that more women pursue an esteemed education career.
  • Horace Mann Contributions

    Horace Mann Contributions
    Horace Mann, the secretary of education helped push for common schools and the opportunity for everyone to have free public education. Mann pushed for their to be quality learning in each classroom and helped to common schools with the needed resources. He still influences us today by pushing public education to be equal or better than private institutions.
  • Philadelphia Bible Riots

    These riots were in the 1840's and were mainly between the German, Irish and the Catholics. Many of the riots ended violently even to the burning of a Catholic church. All people involved believed that in schooling they should be able to highlight their religions and teach what they would like.
  • Fredrick Douglas

    Fredrick Douglas was a famous abolitionist for civil rights. In Massachusetts he became a leader there for a movement and in 1846 petitioned for an end to slavery.
  • 1900 World Fair

    This World Fair was held in Paris, France to help celebrate the past year and the achievements made. Many schools submitted photos to this fair to show what they were doing to engage their students. It led to more teachers having students learn by doing and exploring rather than by textbook.
  • The Gary Plan

    The Gary Plan
    The Gary plan was a plan for schools to increase the classes offered and to involve more than just plain academic subjects in the classroom. The classes involved teaching about social, mental, cultural and etc, in order to prepare students for the real world. They still have an effect on the amount of electives and other classes offered to students today. [] (
  • Immigration in the U.S.A.

    Between 1930-1940 there was a total of 22 million that came to the United States including 3 million children. This made a huge shift to English only curriculum in classrooms and American only ways.
  • New Child Labor Laws

    In 1938, the United States passed the Fair Labor Standards act that increased the age minimums to work and helped protect the children from dangerous work. The law also helped to increase the amount of children that attended school. This especially effected the immigrant children coming to the U.S.A.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    This Supreme Court case helped to end segregation in American public schools. This was a huge stepping stone in contributing to the Civil Rights Act later, that officially began the desegregation. This is still affecting our schools today because through this act we are all able to receive quality and equal education no matter what the color of our skin is.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed the discrimination based on race, color, sex and so on. President Lindon helped to make his focus on this act and on schooling specifically. Just 8 years later African Americans attended integrated schools.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    This act was passed by President Lyndon in 1965. This act gave funding to these institutions and also helped schools to establish higher standards and accountability. The main goal of this act was to lessen the gap between students at different levels.
  • A Nation At Risk

    A Nation at Risk was a report made by Reagan stating that schools needed to be reformed. This report led to a decline in learning, blamed declining economy on schools, higher standards, more homework, more courses in traditional courses and longer days in the school year.
  • IDEA Act

    IDEA Act
    The IDEA program was developed to integrate students with disabilities into the classroom. It helped students with inclusion and with offering them a free education. This act still supports education for these amazing students today.