• Fortnite Battle Royale

    Fortnite Battle Royale
    At this time Fortnite Battle Royale was released to Windows, Mac, PC, Xbox and Playstation.
  • The OFFICIAL release date

    The OFFICIAL release date
    This is when the Fortnite beta was over and became free to download
  • Voice Chat and Spectate

    Voice Chat and Spectate
    The voice chat added in the game was a huge accomplishment for the game it helped take dubs.
  • Fortnitemares and Leaderboards

    Fortnitemares and Leaderboards
    This is when the best item shop in fortnite was released and the leader boards were made up to see some of the best players in the world
  • Rip pump shotgun

    Rip pump shotgun
    Bush comes into to fortnite and then the pump shotgun had a smaller range
  • Launch Pads and Water Building

    Launch Pads and Water Building
    This is when the launch pads was introduced in fortnite and you could build in water so it was faster getting crossed loot lake
  • Season 2

    Season 2
    The second season of fortnite dropped this day
  • Map update

    Map update
    This was the huge map change to fortnite that changed the whole game for ever.
  • Fortnite on IOS

    Fortnite on IOS
    Fortnite came to the Apple store so people play on there IPads and IPones this was not good for teachers
  • Ninja, Drake, JuJu and Travis Scott

    Ninja, Drake, JuJu and Travis Scott
    The famous streamer Ninja got JuJu smith Schuster and Travis Scott and Drake to squad up on fortnite.
  • The Coment

    The Coment
    The fortnite comet/meteor raised a lot of talk in the fortnite community because no one knew what was going on in the game
  • Season 3

    Season 3
    The 3rd season of fortnite dropped and this is when more and more people started playing the game
  • Season 4

    Season 4
    Season 4 dropped in fortnite with more players, playing the game over 40 million players play at this time
  • E3

    On Tuesday, June 12th, 50 pros and 50 celebrities will pair up to earn the ultimate Victory Royale.
  • Prediction

    Fortnite will be the hottest game for a long time but Call of Duty Black Ops 4 will give fortnite a good run for it's money. Fortnite shows no slowing down more and more people are playing it every day fortnite is in there 6th season.