Forrest Gump Timeline (1950-1990) - Jade Soto

  • The Cold War

    The Cold War
    Key Concept: 8.1.D (started) 9.2.A (ended)
    America in the World (WOL)
    Forrest enlists in the military around the end of the cold war.
    Reagan's anti-communist position made a stance known as the Reagan Doctrine. This regarded containment. This resulted in Reagan formulating an additional right to subvert existing communist governments. An example of this was when Reagan and Gorbachev built a close relationship and contributed towards end of cold war.
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    Elvis Presley stays in Forrest's house
    He infused Black rhythm-and-blues songs with his distinctive style.
    Many believed that his dance moves were sexual. He was different from the stereotypical "norm" at the time. This made his overall demeanor stand out.
  • McCarthyism

    Key Concept: 8.1.B
    Red Scare
    Forrest fought in vietnam war based off of communist views, further speculated by Joseph McCarthy.
    The concept of McCarthyism was a widespread belief of suspected communistic activity. Accusations were often made by individuals with no evidence to further hold those accountable. Senator, Joseph McCarthy, started McCarthyism.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    Forrest is awarded the medal of honor (war)
    North Korea started the conflict between South Korean through the invasion. The Korean conflict was called the forgotten war because its often compared to the Vietnam war and the war was also continued under the release of the United Nations. It was the first war we fought on another territory (someone else's flag) and we fought intermixed.
  • KKK (Ku Klux Klan)

    KKK (Ku Klux Klan)
    Key Concept: 8.1.D
    Moral Majority (Christian Conservationists)
    Forrest's grandfather created the KKK
    The KKK was a terrorism group formed in the early 1950's. This group was organized in the southern states, being made up of white settlers. The participated in such despicable acts of human kind such as lynching african americans, intimidate/murder jews, and other minorities to oppose Roman Catholics and labor unions.
  • Malcolm X

    Malcolm X
    The boarder who came to the house when Forrest was a kid in braces has a lot to do with civil rights (black panther party)(led by Malcolm x).
    Malcolm X renamed himself X in 1952 after the breakage and discriminatory act placed upon the loss of his African heritage. He was a leader and an advocate for black power and promoted equality. He let wisdom from his experiences influence his attitudes and distaste towards white Americans.
  • John F. Kennedy Presidency

    John F. Kennedy Presidency
    Key Concept: 8.2.1.A
    Politics and power (POL)
    Forrest tells JFK he has to pee.
    John F. Kennedy served as a president during the cold war (Cuban Missile Crisis). The Berlin Wall and Space race also occurred while he proceeded to serve his term. H was a popular tv personal among the people.
  • John F. Kennedy Assassination

    John F. Kennedy Assassination
    Key Concept: 8.2.1.C
    Forrest goes inside Kennedy's bathroom and sees Marilyn Monroe.
    John F. Kennedy was assassinated during the presidential motorcade. It was suspected that former marine, Lee Harvey Oswald, was responsible for the assassination. Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States.
  • The War Protest

    The War Protest
    Key Concept: 8.1.A
    Fight for Change: United Farm Workers Union
    Forrest met Jenny as spoke for the protestors gathered at the capital
    The outbreak of the Vietnam War protest began. It gained national prominence and was supported through most Americans. It was organized by teachers from the University of Michigan who opposed the war.
  • Spread of Hippie Culture

    Spread of Hippie Culture
    Key Concept: 8.3.2.B
    Identity/Black Panthers/Feminism
    Forrest met up with Jenny, who was a hippie at the time.
    The spread of hippie culture expanded from Northern California. The Human Be-In in Golden Gate Park that took place in San Francisco popularized hippie culture. This lead to the legendary Summer of Love on the West Coast of the United States.
  • Martin Luther King Assassination

    Martin Luther King Assassination
    Key Concept: 8.2.A
    Civil Rights Movement
    Forrest meets King and his supporters while vicious police dogs are about to attack.
    Martin Luther King was assassinated in his hotel room. It was assumed that James Earl Ray was responsible for the despicable crime. He was a famous civil rights leader who
  • The Watergate Scandal

    The Watergate Scandal
    Key Concept: 8.2.3.E
    Imperial Presidency/Silent Majority
    Forrest witnessed the Watergate scandal from the Watergate hotel.
    The Watergate scandal was a stunt pulled by Richard Nixon. He was the 37th president of the United States. He attempted to steal secret papers and chime into phone lines through the help of FBI and CIA agents.
  • The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War
    Key Concept: 8.1.C
    Unstable Postwar world/Global Leadership
    Forrest Gump fought in the Vietnam War with lieutenant Dan.
    There was a civil war that broke out between the french, communist, and non-communists. This lead to the division of Vietnam at the 17th parallel. North Vietnam possessed communistic views. Southern Vietnam obtained non-communistic views. The U.S began to send troops.
  • Ronald Reagan Became President

    Ronald Reagan Became President
    Key Concept: 8.2.B
    Politics and Power (POL)
    Reagan became president at the end of the movie (1981).
    Ronald Wilson Reagan was elected as the 40th president of the United States of America. He served from January 20, 1981 to January 20, 1989. He was reelected after his first term.