Forrest Gump history Time Line

  • Forrest is present for the K.K.K Act

    Forrest is present for the K.K.K Act
    The K.K.K. Act was an act that was a passage of the Third Force Act that congress authorized for Ulysses S. Grant to declare for a martial law that imposed severe penalties to the terrorist organizations.
  • Forrest was one of the few thousands to watch the New Year Ball Rolling/Dropping

    Forrest was one of the few thousands to watch the New Year Ball Rolling/Dropping
    The New York New Years Ball Dropping was on December 31st 1904, was the very first ball dropping, and it was created by Time's Owner Adolf Ochs.
  • Forrest was a part of the Space Race

    Forrest was a part of the Space Race
    The Space Race refers to the Cold War rivals between the Soviet Union and the United States. It was to dominate the spaceflight capability. This process happened on October 4th, 1957.
  • Forrest sees the troops go to South Vietnam to fight in the war

    Forrest sees the troops go to South Vietnam to fight in the war
    On March 8th, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson sent the first group of the American troops to South Vietnam to aid in assistance. There was a total of 23,000 U.S. troops in South Vietnam when the South Vietnam troops came to help fight.
  • Forrest travels to the Ping Pong tournament in China

    Forrest travels to the Ping Pong tournament in China
    In April of 1971, the Republics of China had a group of ping pong players that attracted the American ping pong players to go and play in China. Forrest got to watch the biggest ping pong game in China on June 10, 1971.
  • Forrest witnesses the Assassination of Gov. Wallace

    Forrest witnesses the Assassination of Gov. Wallace
    During Wallace's campaign in Mississippi, Wallace was shot five times in his chest, abdomen, and one bullet was lodged in his spinal column, and surprisingly Wallace lived through many pints of blood transfusions.
  • Forrest witnessed the Watergate Hotel break in

    Forrest witnessed the Watergate Hotel break in
    The watergate break in was a scandal. This occurred in the United States in the early 1970s. The Nixon administration tried to cover up their involvement in this scandal. This happened on June 17th, 1972.
  • Forrest was at the resignation of President Nixon.

    Forrest was at the resignation of President Nixon.
    The resignation that President Nixon chose to do was because of the Watergate scandal break in. This happened on August 9th, 1974.
  • Forrest was the man who heard the shots of the attempted assassination of President Ford

    Forrest was the man who heard the shots of the attempted assassination of President Ford
    On September fifth 1975, the assassin was all ready to assassinate the President, Gerald Ford. The assassin Lynette Fromme was dressed in a brightly colored red to represent the animals and the Earth's colors. Fromme was unable to release the gun slide to put a cartridge to be able to fire the shot. so, the president was not harmed in any way and Fromme was arrested for attempted murder of President Gerald Ford.
  • Sadly, Forrest was one of the witnesses to the assassination of John Lennon

    Sadly, Forrest was one of the witnesses to the assassination of John Lennon
    A man named Mark David Chapman was the one who shot three bullets that hit Lennon in the left side of the back and the last two bullets penetrated his left shoulder.
  • Forrest was one of the major witnesses to see the shots to the President Ronald Reagan

    Forrest was one of the major witnesses to see the shots to the President Ronald Reagan
    The assassination attempt of the President Ronald Reagan took place on March 21st, 1981. the assassin was John Hinckley Jr., his motivation was to gain favor of actress Jodie Foster who acted in many shows that Hinckley watched as a child. This shooting happened at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington D.C at 2:27 p.m.
  • Forrest is in the crowd of the Vietnam protesters outside the White House

    Forrest is in the crowd of the Vietnam protesters outside the White House
    The Vietnam protesters were protesting about the nuclear war weapons in Vietnam. This protest was led by William Thomas in 1981.