Timeline Final Project Spring 2024

By RyanOC
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    "As shall terminate and forever prohibit the existence of slavery within the limits of the jurisdiction of the United States"
  • KKK

    A group of whites that used intimidation and violence against black people to deter them from exercising their citizenship rights and freedom.
  • Tariffs

    Around the years 1882 and 1883 tariffs were a problem for Americans, where some wanted high tariffs on imported goods so they could make money on their domestic products, while others wanted lower tariffs so that they could save money.
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    The Spanish American War was fought so that the US could help free Cuba from Spanish control. This war was quick and decisive, with a victory for the US. This victory caused the US to attempt to acquire more places to put more naval bases around the world and was successful in doing so.
  • Industrialization

    Early 1900's only 40% of the population lived in rural areas, the rest lived in urban areas and worked in factories. These factory workers were no longer self-employed, and now working for factory owners making very low wages.
  • Advertising

    By 1900 American businesses saw advertising as such an important asset that they were spending almost 100 million dollars annually on it. This helped businesses make sales even in rural areas.
  • Westward Expansion

    Westward Expansion
    Farmers moved Midwest with their families and lived harsh lives due to the weather and the environment. In 1902 a system was put in place to help these families with funding so that they could be more prepared. This region is now Wisconsin, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas.
  • Americans and the Great War

    Americans and the Great War
    January 1918 Wilson called for the creation of the League of Nations, which had a goal of promoting the new world order and preserve territorial integrity through open discussions in place of intimidation and war. The League of Nations would end up surviving, and all nations within it agreed to help all other member nations against military threats.
  • Jazz Age and Flapper

    Jazz Age and Flapper
    Rebellious American youth embraced a new morality. Women began dressing like flappers, the jazz age female stereotype, seeking the endless party. The jazz age came with new clothes, new music originating from the African American community, and also showed changes in the youth behavior when it came to sexual habits.
  • Pres. Harding

    Pres. Harding
    While the jazz age brought differences, it also brought back normalcy, and a law tax rate cut as well as the country's first budgeting process. these helped reduce the dept from World War One, and these policies were pushed into place by President Harding.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    In 1929 the crash of the stock market played a big role in the start of the downward spiral of the economy. This crash happened a year after Hoover became president, and showed how weak the economy was at the time.
  • Roosevelt

    The 1932 election ended with President Franklin Roosevelt being elected. The American public sided with Roosevelt due to hardships he had faced in his life, similar to the hardships they were facing at the time.
  • Great Depression Affects

    Great Depression Affects
    By 1933 the Great Depression had affected about 60 million people, and despite efforts by clubs to help families out, while many also cashed out their insurance policies for money, many people were still going through starvation.
  • First New Deal

    First New Deal
    The First New Deal originally was helpful to banks, families facing foreclosure, and offered relief to unemployed citizens. This also helped put people back into work, and most of all this New Deal helped give people hope when they had none.
  • Second New Deal

    Second New Deal
    After being criticized by both parties for the New Deal, Roosevelt came up with the Second New Deal. This came with a list of "must pass" laws and policies for congress so that he could help more Americans and get more support.
  • WWII

    In 1941 an atomic research program called the Manhattan Project was put in place. Four years later in 1945 the city of Hiroshima was chosen as the location to drop one of these bombs. On August 6, 1945 the bomb was dropped on this city.
  • Post War

    Post War
    In 1952 Eisenhower won the election by getting 54% of the popular vote and 87% of the electoral vote. Eisenhower gained most of his support by promising to end the war and fight against communism.
  • Segregation

    Segregation in schools was a problem and the court cases "Brown v Board" and "Plessy v Ferguson" helped bring this to light. The "Little Rock Nine" is a famous group of students that were put into school in Arkansas. The state revolted against being forced to mix blacks and whites in school, resulting in these students being treated worst than they were before.
  • Civil Rights Movement

    Civil Rights Movement
    With the civil rights movement still going, violence kept rising. After MLK was murdered, violence was climbing, between 1964 and 1968 there were 329 riots across 257 cities.
  • Watergate

    In 1972, an operation known as Watergate took place, where five men broke into the DNC headquarters. Nixon had been connected to the break in and later proven. This scandal is one of the biggest in the history of America and caused Nixon to resign.