
Final exam review proyect

  • 233

    the caddo tribes

    the caddo tribes
    the caddo tribes climate where they live was humid and rainy and it was temperature the resources they use was peaches fish bacco pumpkins corn watermelons beans squash deers turkeys and their economy is food and cloths only
  • 420

    Great plains

    Great plains
    Hot in the summer cold during winter they have gas cows oil plants and water As natural resources cars and train tracks as transportation
  • The north central plains

    The north central plains
    The climate is hot in the summer and cold in the winter and gets a little bit of rain the resources they use are oil aluminum and limestone and the transportations they use Are roads and some small rail roads
  • The gulf coastal plains

    The gulf coastal plains
    It's a hot humid rainy climate the resources that they use are oil cotton lumber wood vegetables fruit and the transportations they use are massive roads rail roads docks and boats and air planes
  • Mountains and basins

    Mountains and basins
    The climate is dry hot sunny and the resources they use there are oil and minerals the transportations they used are two lane roads and main highways
  • the karamkawa tribes

    the karamkawa tribes
    their climate was warm and temperature the resources they used where turkey rabit turtles vegetables and fruits their economy where wepons and food only
  • the comanche tribes

    the comanche tribes
    their climate where they lived was cool sunny and rainy the resources they used where buffalo meat vegetables and fruit their economy was buffalo meat or spears and vegetables
  • the jumano tribes

    the jumano tribes
    their climate was hot and dry the resources they used where squash corn and beans their economy waz food and cotton only
  • cabeza de vaca

    cabeza de vaca
    he was born 1940 janeda spain and he explored florifa galveston and mississippi
  • la salle

    la salle
    he was born in france1643 he explored canada houston and montoreal
  • Alonso Alvarez de pineda

    alonso waz born in 1494 aldecentenera spain he explored florida cabo rojo corpus christi
  • fransisco coronado

    fransisco coronado
    he was born in 1510 salamanca spain he explored new mexico arizona kansas texas oklahoma