Abraham lincoln november 1863

final exam project

  • the great plains

    the great plains
    Great plains is a very dry heated region with desserts , flat land . And its resources being oil, cattle and gas.Transportation are highways , freeways, or train.
  • the north central plains

    the north central plains
    The north central plains has a dry climate with tornados,it has desserts, cities, and mountains.Transportatiion is train or car.
  • The mountains and basins

    The mountains and basins
    The climate here is hot and humid its has plains desserts and mountains. Transportation are roads ,streets ,and cities.
  • The gulf coastal plains

    The gulf coastal plains
    Its hot and foggy there are grass lands and river plains.Transportation are rail roads, high ways and cars.
  • The Caddo

    The Caddo
    They traveled by foot ,they relied on farming and trading silver.They lived in dry hot tempatures.
  • The jumano

    The jumano
    They roamed by feet iains.n the hot and sunny flatt land and mount