Different times and places and what they believe is worth fighting for.

  • Napolean begins the French Revolution

  • Period: to

    Napoleanic Wars

  • Napolean is elected emperor of France

  • End of the French Revolution and beginning of Napoleans European Conquests

  • Battle of Austerlitz (Primary Source)

    Napolean is fighting for glory for his soldiers at first, but changes and focuses his fighting for his ego. His soldiers are always fighting for fame and for glory. They are willing to go to war with all other Europeans and stick by their emperor Napolean's side.
  • Unsuccesful Invasion of Russia and loss of 90% of his troops

  • Napolean is exiled to Elba

  • Napolean escapes Elba and returns to power

  • Exiled again to St. Helena where he died

  • Belgium brutally seizes control of The Congo

  • Period: to

    King Leopold announces creation of the Congo Free State

  • The Jewish State, Theodore Herzl (Primary Source)

    Here, as he is speaking for all of the Jewish people, they should be fighting for a homeland to escape persecution and discrimination. He wants to live freely and without fear. He is willing to give up many things and to sacrafice for creating a safe space for all of the Jews.
  • Period: to

    Creation of a Jewish State

  • Zionist congress held by Herzl in Switzerland

  • Report of the Congo Commission of Enquiry (Primary Source)

    King Leopold here is solely fighting the people of the Congo for materials and other resources such as ivory and rubber. To get what he wants, he is willing to enslave the natives to the lands on unfair, unjust, and untrustworthy terms. They lied and made many empty promises in order from the natives to work for them, which is terrible.
  • After being pressured by their own government, Belgium is forced out of the Congo

  • Constitution of the Black Hand (Primary Source)

    Here, what is worth fighting for are allies and for unification. Serbia had previously lost land to Austria, so they really wanted that land and one other of the main purposes of this constitution was to gain allies who are also wanting to fight for national liberation. This document suggests that we should consider these as absolute necessities and we should fight for them by any means necessary.
  • Period: to

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and following events

  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated in Sarajevo

  • Beginning of World War 1

  • Britain issues the Balfour Declaration, expressing support for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine

  • End of World War 1

  • League of Nations authorize British mandate over Palestine, including the implementation of the Balfour Declaration

  • Open conflicts begin between Arabs in the middle east and the Jews in palestine

  • Calderon's first term as president of Costa Rica ends and he was prohibited from running for reelection by the constitution

  • Period: to

    Costa Rica abolishes its military

  • Picado, who was seen as Calderon's puppet, wins the 1944 election

  • The United States adopt the Zionist cause after WW2

  • The UN votes to partition Palestine into Jewish and Arab states.

  • Costa Rican Consitution (Primary Source)

    Here, as listed in their constitution, they are willing to fight for and to change the way their country is run for democracy, sovereignty, education, and most importantly, safety, as they abolished their military so overpowered government officials could not use it against their own country. Once again, they are willing to change the way their country is run in order to accomplish and recognize what is worth fighting for, for them.
  • Ulate wins the 1948 election with 55.28 percent against Calderon

  • Calderon calls the election fraudulent and proceeds to fight against Ulate

  • Picado signs a pact ending the civil war between Calderon and Ulate

  • The State of Israel is proclaimed by Jewish Agency Chairman David Ben-Gurion in Tel Aviv

  • The greatest football player of all time, Socrates's birthday

  • The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is founded during a summit in Cairo, Egypt, with the goal of uniting various Arab groups and creating a liberated Palestine

  • Period: to

    Creation and events with the Palestinian Liberation Organization

  • Yasser Arafat becomes chairman of the PLO's Executive Committee and dominates the organization, leading it towards more aggressive tactics

  • Speech to the UN General Assembly, Yasir Arafat (Primary Source)

    What is worth fighting for here is the right to have self-determination and sovereignty over their homeland. They respect and appreciate the Jewish faith but do not agree with their Zionist movement. The extent here is great. They decline what they are doing are acts of terrorism, but simply a mere struggle against who they see as invaders and colonialists.
  • The First Intifada, a Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation, leads to the Oslo Accords peace process

  • The Oslo Accords are signed, establishing the Palestinian National Authority (PA) and outlining a timetable for Israeli withdrawal from key territories

  • Yasser Arafat returns to Gaza to lead the PA after being exiled for 27 years

  • The Second Intifada starts, marking another period of bloody conflict between Israelis and Palestinians

  • Hamas wins the majority in the Palestinian Legislative Council elections, leading to conflict with Fatah and ultimately taking control of Gaza

  • The PA makes a bid for full member-state status in the UN, which fails, but Palestine is later granted "non-member observer state" status

  • Period: to

    Civil war in Yemen

  • Arab Spring protests spread to Yemen, leading to the resignation of President Ali Abdullah Saleh after decades in power. His vice president, Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi, assumes power.

  • The National Dialogue Conference (NDC) convenes in Yemen to address the country's political future and draft a new constitution. However, the conference ends without resolving key issues

  • Houthi rebels, with support from forces loyal to former President Saleh, seize control of the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, and dissolve the government. President Hadi is placed under house arrest but later escapes to Aden.

  • The PLO becomes a member of the International Criminal Court

  • President Hadi flees Yemen for Saudi Arabia as Houthi forces an advance on Aden

  • A Saudi-led coalition launches airstrikes against Houthi targets in Yemen, marking the beginning of a military intervention aimed at restoring Hadi's government.

  • The conflict escalates into a full-scale civil war, with multiple factions involved.

  • The Houthi-Saleh alliance controls much of norther Yemen, including Sanaa, while Hadi's government, backed by the Saudi-led coalition, controls parts of the south.

  • Humanitarian crisis worsens, with millions facing food insecurity, displacement, and disease outbreaks.

  • Donald Trump recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, sparking controversy and disapproval among Arabs and their allies.

  • The Stockholm Agreement is reached between the warring parties, aiming to halt hostilities in the port city of Hodeidah and facilitate humanitarian aid delivery. However, implementation remains challenging

  • The UAE, a key member of the Saudi-led coalition, announces a partial withdrawal of its troops from Yemen

  • Eleven facts about the Yemen crisis, UN Humanitarian (Primary Source)

    Here, Yemen is mainly fighting for more help and resemblance such as Humanitarian Aid and protection, an end to the conflict, respect for human rights, education, rehabilitation, and support and funding from other countries, mainly to an extend to whereas significant action is required from both parties concerned in the conflict to end it once and for all.
  • Tensions between Houthi forces and the Southern Transitional Council, a separatist group backed by the UAE, escalate in southern Yemen

  • The Riyadh Agreement is signed between the Yemeni government and the STC, aiming to resolve tensions in southern Yemen and form a unity government.

  • Despite the agreements, fighting continues in various parts of Yemen, exacerbating the humanitarian situation

  • A cease-fire brokered by the UN brings temporary relief to some areas of Yemen, raising hopes for renewed peace efforts.

  • The cease-fire expires in October, leading to a resurgence of hostilities and uncertainty about the prospects for a lasting peace.