
Farm Bill Economy Timeline

  • Agriculture and Food Act of 1981

    Agriculture and Food Act of 1981
    The Agriculture and Food Act of 1981 included MOST commodities' safety net; Farmland Protection Policy Act; and provisions for rural development, floral research, and consumer information.
  • The Federal Agricultural Improvement and Reform Act of 1996

    The Federal Agricultural Improvement and Reform Act of 1996
    This Act began reaching out to farmers for not only commodities safety nets, but all aspects including food nutrition programs.
  • Agriculture Act of 2014

    Agriculture Act of 2014
    This Act was a "food, farms, and jobs" bill. The bill recognized that U.S. agriculture is a key engine of economic growth. This bill also protected the U.S. food assistance programs, which is a vital component to citizens. Promotion of new markets for U.S. producers domestically and internationally is a key component of this farm bill. Exports have increased and continue to increase. The Agriculture Act of 2014 helped to guarantee Congress' help with market opportunity.