Fahrenheit 451

  • Montaug meets Clarisse

    Montaug meets Clarisse
    A seventeen year old girl who makes Montaug queation his life
  • Mountag's Wife gets sick

  • Clarisse Dies

    Clarisse Dies
  • Montaug Becomes interested in Books

    Montaug Becomes interested in Books
  • Mountaug takes a book from a house

    Mountaug takes a book  from a house
  • Montaug's Wife pulls the alarm on him for having a book

    Montaug's Wife pulls the alarm on him for having a book
  • Firemen burn Montaugs house

  • Montaug makes a run for it

    Montaug makes a run for it
  • The Entire Government gives chase

    The Entire Government gives chase
  • Montaug becames a hobo, and teams up with a band of survivors

    Montaug becames a hobo, and teams up with a band of survivors