Exploration & Settlement

By eexika
  • 1492

    Columbus lands at Hispaniola in the Caribbean

    Columbus lands at Hispaniola in the Caribbean
    Began the contact between Europeans and Native Americans. When Europeans arrived millions of Native Americans were living on the land, in small villages in large cities.
  • 1513

    Balboa "discovers" the Pacific Ocean in Panama

    Balboa "discovers" the Pacific Ocean in Panama
    He crossed the Caribbean coasts from east of the Panama along the Colombian coast across the pacific ocean.
  • 1521

    Cortes conquers the Aztecs at Tenochtitlan (Mexico City).

    Cortes conquers the Aztecs at Tenochtitlan (Mexico City).
    Three month siege, Spanish forces under Hernan Cortes and his men capture Aztec emperor.
  • 1539

    De Soto explorers the region between Florida and the Mississippi RIver

    De Soto explorers the region between Florida and the Mississippi RIver
    De Soto made wealthy money slave trading over sea. He supplied ships for Francisco Pizzario in his conquest.
  • First permanent English settlement is founded in Jamestown, Virgina

    First permanent English settlement is founded in Jamestown, Virgina
    Powhatan Indians had found Jamestown and when the settlers went to this place to have the first permanent, they wanted it to be settled how memorable it should.
  • Mayflower pilgrims found plymouth colony in Massachutes

    Mayflower pilgrims found plymouth colony in Massachutes
    Settlement in New England settlers were a group of about 100 Puritan Separatist Pilgrims who sailed the Mayflower.
  • English settlers defeat Native Americans in King Philip's war

    English settlers defeat Native Americans in King Philip's war
    In British colony history war that pitted Native Americans against English settlers.
  • France claims the Mississippi River valey and names it Louisiana

    France claims the Mississippi River valey and names it Louisiana
    The area was named in honor of King Louie XIV Louisiana was divided into two regions.