exploration and settlements timeline

  • 1492

    Columbus land at Hispaniola in the Caribbean

    Columbus land at Hispaniola in the Caribbean
    Columbus went to seek new land and he found Hispaniola. That now it is known as Dominican republic.
  • 1513

    Balboa "discoverers" the pacific ocean in panama

    Balboa "discoverers" the pacific ocean in panama
    Balboa seals to the new world and finds the pacific ocean in panama . He also was the first European to seal.
  • 1521

    Cortes concers the Aztecs at Tenochtitlan

    Cortes concers the Aztecs at Tenochtitlan
    Cortes was fighting for the land vs the Aztecs
  • 1539

    de soto explorde tnhe reagon between florida and the misisiopi river

    de soto explorde tnhe reagon between florida and the misisiopi river
    he was the one who led the Spanish to the misisipie river
  • first perminent english sedolment found in jams town

    first perminent english sedolment found in jams town
    the first English sedolment was found in the north
  • meyflower pigemens found playmaouth colony in massichusets

    meyflower pigemens found playmaouth colony in massichusets
    they first laned in playmouth rock. with the pilgrims
  • einglish setellers defeat native americans in king philups war

    einglish setellers defeat native americans in king philups war
    it is sometimes called the first indean war
  • frice clames the misisipi river vally

    frice clames the misisipi river vally
    the clame that the river belongs to them