
Evolutionary Timeline of the Theory of Evolution

  • Period: to

    Time of Discovery

  • Jean-Baptiste Lamarck Philosophie Zoologique

    Jean-Baptiste Lamarck Philosophie Zoologique
    This piece of work was published to let the public know about some premature ideas on how evolution worked. This was one of the first works to talk about evolution but the people were not convinced about how it occured. Back in the early 1800's people did not believe that evolution was true or they couldnt get a grasp on how it worked.
  • Charles Darwin's Birth

    Charles Darwin's Birth
  • Charles Lyell publishes Principles of Geology

    Charles Lyell publishes Principles of Geology
    He published the Principles of Geology in 1830, It was one of the popular ideas that the people enjoyed a lot because it talked about another idea that was never heard of before. It talked about how the Earth was constantly being pushed on by slow-acting forces.
  • Darwin travels to Galapagos Islands

    Darwin travels to Galapagos Islands
    Darwin was given the chance to ride a Navy Vessel, The HMS Beagle, and they would travel all around the world. One of the most important places Darwin traveled was the Galapagos islands. There he would study the different species and compare them to ones from europe. There he found that there were many differences between the species. He found that the species had more similar characteristics to the animals from south america than europe.He also found that the animals on each island were endmic.
  • ***Info from Darwin's Journey to Galapagos***

    ***Info from Darwin's Journey to Galapagos***
    Animals were endemic (unique and found nowhere else). The species of TEMPERATE regions of Argintina were more similar to TROPICAL regions of South America than to TEMPERATE regions of Europe. He also saw the changes of species from island to island.
  • ***Info from Darwin's Journey to the Galapagos***

    ***Info from Darwin's Journey to the Galapagos***
    Darwin devised three points after he came back from the galapagos islands to explain the idea of evolution. First; species are not immuntable, which means they change over time. Second; divergent species share a common ancestor. Third and the most important; the mechanism that produces changes in species is natural selection. Natural selection is the idea that the survival and reproduction of individuals in a population is based on variation in their traits.
  • Charles Darwin's First Essay on Natural Selection

    Charles Darwin's First Essay on Natural Selection
    This first essay was written as sort of a rough draft for what was coming next (Origin of Species). This essay did address the major topic of evolution and even more important, Natural Selection. He knew that he had enough info to back up Natural Selection but he didnt want to publish because of Darwin knew that he had to find more evidence for his other two points; Species change over time and divergent species share a common ancestor.
  • Wallace and Darwin publish papers on Natural Selection

    Wallace and Darwin publish papers on Natural Selection
    In 1858, another naturalist named Alfred Russel Wallace asked Darwin to evaluate his manuscript and see what he thinks. Darwin realized that many of the Natural Selection ideas were almost identical to Darwin's first essay. They took the info the Linnaean Society of London. Both men were given credit for thinking of Natural Selection.
  • Publication of Origin of Species

    Publication of Origin of Species
    Darwin knew that he was the first one to think of natural selection so he needed to finish his book fast. This book taked about evolution and the mechanism of evolution, which was natural selection.
  • Gregor Mendel publishes paper on Pea Genetics

    Gregor Mendel publishes paper on Pea Genetics
    Gregor Mendel tested the evolution and distinction of pea plants and their different triats. This paper showed how dominant and recessive genes work with different types of plants and animals. He developed the idea that some genes are more dominant than others and thats why they show, physically, on an organism.
  • Nucleic Acid

    Nucleic Acid
    Up until the 1950's the human race did not know anything about the protein that makes up our whole. They only knew its name. People have been advancing and working hard since 1869. This was the year that DNA was isolated for the first time from fish sperm. It was Friedrich Meischer who did this then he named the protein, Nuclein. Later it was changed to nucleic acid and of course as we know it today it is know as Deoxyribonucleic Acid, or DNA.
  • Darwin Publishes The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex

    Darwin Publishes The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex
    This was another idea that Darwin thought of; it was very similar to origin of species because it talked about how humans evolved and came about. It talked about how the relationship between a woman and a man have a huge deal to do with the specifics of reproduction. It also talked about how men and women respond to different situations with the opposite sex.
  • T.H. Morgan establishes Drosophilia Lab

    T.H. Morgan establishes Drosophilia Lab
    In this lab that was started at Columbia University, he talked about the different ideas of how inheritance and genes worked together. He clarified that chromosomes, inside the cell, have the total control of the traits you see in the next generation.
  • Population Genetics

    Population Genetics
    This was a idea that was documented by R.A. Fisher, J.B.S. Haldane, and S. Wright. In this they elaborated on Darwin's idea of evolution and made their remarks on how important it was. They also started their own ideas on genetics and how it can advance to become more amazing than ever before. They thought of many new ideas about chromosomes and inheritance combines with genetics.
  • Idea of "Crossing Over"

    Idea of "Crossing Over"
    During this time a lady named Barbara McClintock was working on how genetic info is switched in organisms. She teamed up with Harriet Creighton to test this phenomenon, crossing over. They were able to display a simple version of how it really works on a cellular level, but even though it wasnt advanced it was a huge breakthrough in the science community.
  • Nucleotides

    Phoebus Levene and Alexander Borodin were the men that analyzed nucleotides and thought of the name. They already knew about the building blocks, C T G A, and the phosphate. These two men shared the idea that they are linked together as a phosphate then sugar. They said that the nucleotides are linked together by a phosphate group, which is the backbone of the DNA.
  • DNA is translator of Genes

    DNA is translator of Genes
    In this year, a man named Oswald T. Avery figured out that DNA is the molecule that sequences our genes. It controls them. As he was testing DNA through multiple experiments, he saw something occur. He saw that throughout the generations, there was a similar heredic characteristic. Thus they knew that it did the same in humans becuse of the similar characteristics we have from our parents.
  • DNA Structure is released by James Watson and Francis Crick

    DNA Structure is released by James Watson and Francis Crick
    This paper displayed the idea of the double helix of DNA. It showed the visual representation of the amino acid that gives us difference within us and other humans. This would soon help with the understanding of molecular evolutionary mechanisms.
  • Rapid Sequencing of DNA

    Rapid Sequencing of DNA
    Up until the 1970's, people knew about DNA but they never really knew how it worked or what it encompased. In the 1970's people developed a way to rapidly sequence long sequences of DNA. This allowed scientists to learn more about proteins. This led to some of the greatest advancements. Because of this so many more advancements came in the molecular world.
  • E.O. Wilson publishes Sociobiology

    E.O. Wilson publishes Sociobiology
    This book talked about the former idea of DNA. It talked about the evolutionary idea of behavior and how genetics can effect someones behavior. It focused on the evolutionary aspect of behavior in social settings of a species population. Most of this talked about Non-Human behavior because he believed that humans had some natures that could not be changed.