Evidence: Timelines

  • When the Chamber acquits Colombian President Samper, I hadn’t been born.

    When the Chamber acquits Colombian President Samper, I hadn’t been born.
  • I was born on October 4th, 1997. When Ernesto Samper was the president of Colombia, I hadn’t been born. He was the president of Colombia before I had been born.

    I was born on October 4th, 1997. When Ernesto Samper was the president of Colombia, I hadn’t been born. He was the president of Colombia before I had been born.
  • When I was one year old. Andres Pastrana takes possession as president of Colombia

    When I was one year old. Andres Pastrana takes possession as president of Colombia
  • When the final version of the letter to the earth was approved, I went to the kindergarten

    When the final version of the letter to the earth was approved, I went to the kindergarten
  • When I was 5, Ingrid Betancourt is kidnapped while traveling to Florencia

    When I was 5, Ingrid Betancourt is kidnapped while traveling to Florencia
  • When Johannesburg was celebrated, I still didn't know how to read 2002

    When Johannesburg was celebrated, I still didn't know how to read 2002
  • When I was 6 years old, the Toyota automaker invented the HYBRID AUTO

    When I was 6 years old, the Toyota automaker invented the HYBRID AUTO
  • When President Alvaro Uribe is re-elected, I was in fourth grade

    When President Alvaro Uribe is re-elected, I was in fourth grade
  • When he invented the virtual reality glasses, I didn't have a motorcycle

    When he invented the virtual reality glasses, I didn't have a motorcycle
  • When the UNESCO world conference was held, I hadn’t entered the university

    when the UNESCO world conference was held, I hadn’t entered the university