
Events of the Cold War

By mangoma
  • United Nations Established

    United Nations Established
    The United Nations was signed by 50 different countries, and it was far superior to the League of Nations. America also signed this charter to promote unity amoung the areas. Together, the United Nations works to solve hunger, war, disease, and educational problems. NATO was created in response to the United Nations by the Soviet Union. Therefore, both sides were clearly outlined with both the United Nations and NATO.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    President Truman instigated the Truman Doctrine to provide money to countries that were fighting communism. Nations like Greece and Turkey successfully battled against that type of government to remain free.
  • The Berlin Blockade

    The Berlin Blockade
    Stalin instilled the Berlin Blockage to stop the flow of supplies into West Berlin. All roadways and railroads were blocked off, and the only way in was through the air. Families were separated by the powerful force, and only Stalin could allow anyone to come or go. The Berlin Blockade was just the beginning of the Berlin Wall.
  • McCarthy's Accusations

    McCarthy's Accusations
    Joesph McCarthy claimed that there were Communists in the American Government. Consquently, a wildfire of finger pointing throughout America as more and more politicians were accused of being Communist party participants/activists. Eventually, the U.S. Senate removed him from office for creating such a disterbance.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    Communist North Korea wanted to control the capitalistic South Korea. So, North Korea crossed the 38-parallel into the South and attacked without warning. The South sent out a distress signal to the UN, and they promptly responded. Thus, began the Korean War - a shorter one than most, but a war nonetheless.
  • End of the Korean War

    End of the Korean War
    President Eisnhower restablished the 38-parallel between North and South Korea. Shortly after, both sides agreed on the Demilitarization Zone, or DMZ. It was greatly enforced on both sides of Korea, and it still exsists today.
  • The Iron Curtain

    The Iron Curtain
    Winston Churchill described the Soviet Union's satellite nations as the "Iron Curtian." The leader was making an analogy of the fall of democracy and the overtaking of communism. The Iron Curtain was a major part of the Cold War and remained in existence for a long time.
  • Sputnik's Launch

    Sputnik's Launch
    The Soviet Union lauched the first satellite. Eisenhower responded to Sputnik's launch by creating NASA. This program stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
  • Peace Corps

    Peace Corps
    President Kennedy establishes the Peace Corps to help Latin Americans in need. This Act was also enabled because the occurence of communism was spreading very quickly in the hurting Latin America countires. The Peace Corps soon traveled into other hurting areas, not just in the Latin American areas. This peace keeping organization still exists today.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    Out of frustration, Stalin build the Berlin Wall to prohibit people from crossing one side of Berlin to the other. The Berlin Blockade wasn't working as well as he wanted, so the terrible landmark was built in four days. Eastern Germans suffered even worse under the Communistic rule.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban Missile crisis was the closest America has come to a nuclear war. The Soviet Union was funneling money into the unstable, commuistic Cuba. President Kennedy attempted to stop this act by sending Cuban exilies into the area to stop Fidel Castro. The effort failed, and eventually Kennedy had to create a blockade around Cuba. So, the Soviet Union had to back off.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was established by Lyndon B. Johnson on this date. This was the first act toward the start of the Vietnam War.
  • Beginning of the Detente

    Beginning of the Detente
    Detente means "relaxation" in French and was established between the Soviet Union and America. Nixon had visited the Communist China to create a good relationship. Then, the President created the SALT Agreement between the the Soviet Union and our country. This agreement was meant to decrease the amount of nuclear weapons developed by both countries.
  • Vietnam War Ends

    Vietnam War Ends
    President Nixon attempted to send in more troops to finally end the Vietnam War. When the protest increased, Nixon decided to pull out the soilders. Sadly, North Vietnam spread into the South and took over for good.
  • End of Detente

    This sense of peace abruptly ended when the Soviet Union commanded troops into Afghanastan to help communism spread. America was greatly offended and protested by refusing to attend the Summer Olympic Games in Moscow. The Soviet Union finally left Afghanastan after 10 years of involvement.
  • End of the Cold War

    End of the Cold War
    The Soviet Union was the major cause of the Cold War, so when it fell communism was greatly weakened. Germany and Russian transitioned into a democractic government which still stands today. There is no exact date as to when the Cold War ended.
  • Berlin Wall Falls

    Berlin Wall Falls
    Young and old came with sledgehammers and shovels to destroy the hated sign of communism in Berlin. Families were reunited while the government began to take a giant leap toward democracy.
  • End of the Soviet Union

    End of the Soviet Union
    There was no exact date that the Soviet Union fell, but eventually the strength of the communisitic rule disenigrated. The Iron Curtain that covered so many countries disbanded and established their own governments.