
Events of American History

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta Signed

    Magna Carta Signed
    Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta was a document signed by King John and the barons. The Magna Carta was signed so the King would govern England and deal with its people according to feudal law. Feudal Law is looking out for the best of the people and not the King. The Magna Carta was was an attempt by the barons to stop King John spoiling himself with riches.
  • Mayflower Compact signed

    Mayflower Compact signed
    <ahref='' >Mayflower Compact (1620)</a>
    The Mayflower Compact was written aboard the Mayflower. The purpose of this document was to provide a temporary government for New England. This would stay in affect until England sent New Englad a document with the laws they wanted the colonists to have.
  • New England Confederation

    New England Confederation
    A military aliance made between Massachusetts, Plymouth, Connecticut, and New Haven. The main purpose of this short alliance was to unite against the Native Americans. This treaty is blammed for starting a war between the Mohegan and Narragansetts.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    A plan formed by representatives from North American British colonies under a more centralized government. The states involved in the Albany Plan of Union included Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island.
  • Fort Ticonderoga

    Fort Ticonderoga
    Fort Ticonderoga was built connecting New France to the colonies. This fort was built during the French and Indian war and used as a strategic fort throughout the war until the British took it over. During the American Revolution, Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold led the attack to take the fort and succeded.
  • The French and Indian war

    The French and Indian war
    The French and Indian was a war fought between the British and French. The British and the colonies fought the French and Indians. The British and colonies won and the British took over Canada.
  • Treaty of Paris 1763

    Treaty of Paris 1763
    Treaty signed between the British, French and Spanish ending the rench and Indian War. This document also touched on some questions regarding the American colonies.
  • Royal Proclomation 1763

    Royal Proclomation 1763
    The Royal Proclomation of 1763 basically stated rules that were about settling in America. These rules were made by King George III.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    King George III taxed the colonies on imported sugar. These taxes were made to pay off war depts they gained fighting the French.
  • The Stamp Act Congress

    The Stamp Act Congress
    The Stamp Act congress met in New York CIty It was attended by twenty-seven representatives from each of the the thirteen colonies. When the British Parliament passed the Stamp Act, colonists were furious.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    The Townshend Acts were a group of acts that were made to tax the colonies. The items taxed were: lead, paint, paper, glass, and tea.
  • Boston Massacare

    Boston Massacare
    The Boston Massacare was a scrumish between the British and American soldiers. The Americans were throwing snowballs and the British shot at them killing five men. The was the kindling for the revolutionary fire.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was group of angry colonists that dumped tea into Boston Harbor. This revolt was led by Sam Adams. The British tried to make the colonists pay for the dumped tea.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The first continental congress was held in Philidelphia. The Congress was attended by 55 members appointed by the legislatures of twelve of the Thirteen Colonies, except Providence and Georia.
  • Patrick Henry "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death"

    Patrick Henry "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death"
    Patrick Henry quoted, "Give me Liberty or Give me Death!" He said this famous quote during the third Virginia convetion held at St. John's Church in Richmond.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was passed by parliment to gain more money from the colonists. The Stamp Act made colonists pay for all paper products.
  • Paul Revere's Ride

    Paul Revere's Ride
    The ride of Paul Revere was to warn the colonists that the British were coming by sea. Although the story says that he succeeded, he didn't. He was caught by the British. The storyrider said Paul Revere rode because he was a real patriot.
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Battles of Lexington and Concord
    The battles at Lexington and Concord was the spark that started the Revolutionary war. The Colonists were the first to fire at Lexinton and the British were the first to fire in concord.
  • Second Continental Congress meets

    Second Continental Congress meets
    The second continental congress was held to disicuss the situation on the revolution. The meeting was held in Philidelphia Pennsylvania. The delegates started to construct the Decleration of Independence.
  • BAttle of Bunker Hill

    BAttle of Bunker Hill
    The Battle of Bunker Hill took place just outside of Boston in Charlestown. The British dug Bunkers on Bunker Hill waiting for a colonial attack after the Battles of Lexington and Concord. The attack didn't come until the British left the hill and the Americans took the Hill. Unfortunately the Americans lost the battle.
  • Thomas Paine

    Thomas Paine
    "Common Sense" was written by Thomas Paine in 1776. The book stated that the colonists should fully commit to break away from Britain because they weren't fully there yet. He said that America needed its independence.
  • British Evacuate Boston

    British Evacuate Boston
    The British fled Boston after the colonists surrounded the city. The colonials surrounded Boston with cannons and men forcing the British to evacuate.
  • The Decleration of Independence Announced

    The Decleration of Independence Announced
    The Americans announced to the British that they were free states and no longer controlled by the British. The Americans were still at war with the British but they considered themselves free.
  • "The Crisis" Published

    "The Crisis" Published
    "The Crisis" was written during the American Revolution. In this peice is his famous qutoe, "These are the times that try mens souls." He wrote this while he was in England and was sent to jail for his article.
  • Washington Captures Trenton

    Washington Captures Trenton
    Washington made a great descision in going after Trentn. The Hessians were hung-over from Christmas so they didn't know what hit them when Washington and the colonial army attacked. They were so suprised that it was pratically taking candy from a baby.
  • British Defeat at Saratoga

    British Defeat at Saratoga
    The win at Saratoga was crittical for the Americans. Saratoga was Britishes transport from America to Canada. This was important for bringing in supplies. A total of 5,895 British and Hessian troops surrendered at Saratoga.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    The winter at Valley Forge was very important to the American success. They learned from French soldiers how to fight like the British. They became well trained and organized. Without this training the Americans would most likely lost the war.
  • John Paul Jones Defeats the Serapis

    John Paul Jones Defeats the Serapis
    John Paul Jones was the captain of the ship that sank the Seapis. The Serapis was the most advanced war ship at the time and was defeated the British boat with hand grenades egnighting gunpowder below deck.
  • Benedict Arnold's Plans Found our

    Benedict Arnold's Plans Found our
    Benedict Arnold had planned to surrender West Point to the British. He had benn spying on the Americans for 6 months before he was compromised. He was then chased into Canada by George Washington who rushed to West point in fear of British attack that never came.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    The Articles of Confederation was the form of government the United States used until modern day constitution was made. These laws were in effect fir eight years. The people and congress decided that the articles weren't working when Shay's Rebellion occured and quickly replaced the articles with the constitution.
  • Cornwallis Surrenders

    Cornwallis Surrenders
    General Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown to end the Revolutionary war. The surrender at Yorktown, Virginia wasn't the formal end to the warr but it was the end of the fighting.
  • Newburgh Conspiracy

    Newburgh Conspiracy
    George Washington told his troops that they would recieve half pay for life if congress didnt pay them. He awarded medals to his troops and congress paid them fo there troubles so the half pay format wouldn't take effect.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The treaty of Paris was signed to declare the United States as an independent country. The treaty was signed by English, David Hartley, and America, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and John Jay. The treaty was named after Paris because that was where the negotiating occured and where the document was signed.
  • Spain Closes the Mississippi River

    Spain Closes the Mississippi River
    At the end of the american revolution, Spain was keeping an eye on American. In hopes to get the farmers of Western America to join Spanish America, they cut off American access to the Missippi river. This plan failed and they finally decided to let the Americans have access.
  • Land Ordinance

    Land Ordinance
    The Land Ordinance of 1785 was made to divide the 13 states land between the Appilation Mountains and the Mississippi River.
  • Ordinance of Religous Freedom

    Ordinance of Religous Freedom
    The ordinace of religous freedom stated that you were free to worship any god you wanted and the government couldn't do anything about it. The people cannot be judged by others because it is a free country and they are entitled to worship any god they want.
  • Annapolis Convention

    Annapolis Convention
    The meeting was called to discuss issues for trading between states. There were only 12 delegates showed up from, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Virginia. James Maddison also brought up the issues in the Articles of Confederation and scheduled the meeting to resolve these problems.
  • Constitutional Convention Opens

    Constitutional Convention Opens
    The Constitutional Convention was called to adress problems in the United States. The convention was made to resolve the problems that were brought foward in early America.
  • The Great Compromise

    The Great Compromise
    The Great Compromise was the agreement to how the legislative branch was formed. Early America decided to combine the Virginia and Newe Jersey plan to make a strong executive branch.
  • Northwest Land ordinance of 1787

    Northwest Land ordinance of 1787
    The document stated how to form a new state. It also stated that every new state would be treated equal to the original thirteen. The document is considered one of the most important legislative acts of the Congress Confederation.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    Shay's Rebellion was a result of bad taxing and execution of the Untied States newly formed government. The farmers of Massachusetts couldn't pay the tax representatives with the currency they wanted. As a result, outraged farmer stormed to Springfield and took over the amrmery. Massachusetts had to send there malitia to stop the rebrllion.
  • Federalists Papers appear

    Federalists Papers appear
    A series of eighty five letters that were written to New York to try to get them to ratify the United States Constitution. New York eventually ratified the constitution.
  • Delaware Ratifies

    Delaware Ratifies
    Delaware became the first state to ratify the constitution. The delegates that were elected to go votd unanimously.
  • Massachusetts Ratifies

    Massachusetts Ratifies
    Massachusetts signs ratifes becoming the sixth state to do so. Masaachusetts was watched by the other states because the vote could have fallen either way. During the arguement John Hancock proposed that Massacusetts suggest several ammendments.
  • New Hampshire Ratifies

    New Hampshire Ratifies
    New Hampshire was the ninth state to ratify the constitution. New Hampshire's ratification of the Constitution oficcially put it into effect.
  • Constitution sent to States for Ratification

    Constitution sent to States for Ratification
    The ratification of the Constitutuion was to make sure that all of the states agreed with it. Although some of the states disaproved of some parts, all in all, the states agreed with the newly made constitution.
  • George Washington Elected President

    George Washington Elected President
    George Washington was elected into office on April 30th, 1789. He was the first president of the United States. He served eight years and was a good president and liked by the people.
  • Congress Meets for the First Time

    Congress Meets for the First Time
    The first congress meeting was held in New York City's Federal Hall. The first meeting is argueably the most important meeting of congress of all time. They had to set rules and discuss the points not finishd in the constitutional convention.
  • Bill of Rights sent to States for Ratification

    Bill of Rights sent to States for Ratification
    The United States congress approved 12 amendmenrs and sent them to the states for ratification. The Bill of Rights provided freedom from the government. The amendments allowed the people to have the freedom of speech, press assembly, and prctice of religion, the right to have weapons, and power not given to the government would be given to the people.
  • Anti-Federalists articles appear

    Anti-Federalists articles appear
    Anti-Federalists people who opposed the ratification of the constitution. They had reresentatives who shared their ideas with everyone. The constitution stayed the same though.
  • Bill of Rights Ratified

    Bill of Rights Ratified
    After the States ratified the Bill of Rights, they were put into effect in running the United States. Luckily, the states like ten only taking away two and these laws defined a citizen's legal rights.
  • Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Written

    Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Written
    The Kentucky Resolutions, written by Thomas Jefferson, and the Virginia Resolutions, written by James Madison, were measures passed by the legislatures of Kentucky and Virginia. Both resolutions were in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts, which dealt with immigrants and their expulsion, and the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions essentially stated that all power and laws not passed
  • Hartford Convention Meets During War of 1812

    Hartford Convention Meets During War of 1812
    The Hartford Convention was held in opposition to the war of 1812. The convention was held in Hartford, Connecticut, and the delegates who attended strongly supported rights for the states. The outcome of the meeting was the decision to makes demands for amendments to the constitution that limited the power of presidency.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise was in response to Missouri’s petition for statehood, which, if granted, would throw off the balance of eleven slave states and eleven Free States. The compromise consisted of granting Missouri statehood as a slave state, and in order to balance this Massachusetts gave over part of its land to create the state of Maine, a Free State.
  • Tariff of Abominations Passed

    Tariff of Abominations Passed
    Due to various events, including the collapse of the Second Bank of the United States, taxes on manufactured, foreign imported goods were raised dramatically in America. However, southern states could locally manufacture the goods that foreign imports made more easily than the Northern states were able to, resulting in the federal government passing the "Tariff of Abominations." The goal of the tariff was to increase northern economy and boost industry, but ultimately caused more disunification
  • South Carolina Tries to Nullify

    South Carolina Tries to Nullify
    South Carolina Also known as the Nullification Crisis, South Carolina attempted to invalidate the tariffs of 1828 1832, and declare them unconstitutional. South Carolina wrote an ordinance stating their view on the matter, outlining that they believed that State Law was stronger than Federal Law, The issue was solved with the publication of a bill written by Henry Clay, which enforced the gradual reduction of the 1828 and 1832 tariffs over a t
  • Abolition of Slavery Act

    Abolition of Slavery Act
    slaveryThe Abolition of Slavery Act was all but inevitable. The act made al slaves free in Britain, and all slave owners paid for their lost worker. The Act also resulted in the founding of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, which worked towards world-wide abolition of slavery.
  • Texas Declares Independence From Mexico

    Texas Declares Independence From Mexico
    TexasWith the Texas Declaration of Independence created literally overnight, the independence of Texas was greatly needed. The convention met at Washington-on-the-Brazos, and the declaration was unanimous, conducted by representatives from different sections of Texas to decide its fate.
  • James Polk Elected

    James Polk Elected
    James Knox Polk was a democrat from North Carolina, and ran against Henry Clay in the election. The run for office was very close, but Polk won the election, and began presidency with the goals to reestablishment of the independent treasury system, lower the controversial tariffs, settle the Oregon boundary dispute, and to join California to the United States.
  • Mexican War

    Mexican War
    In the 1840’s the United States wanted to expand its territory, and looked west, towards Mexico. After President Polk attempted to make a treated with Mexico but war turned down, Polk sent troops to territory near the Rio Grande, and the Mexicans believed they were trespassing, and attacked, sparking the Mexican war, which lasted two years and resulted in a peace treaty which gave the United States the territory of Texas.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    David Wilmot, a democrat representative, created an amendment to a previous bill, the latter banning slavery from all the states that were acquired from the Mexican War. This rider was passed by the House of Representatives, but was not enforced, and was proposed again it was defeated, causing more hard feelings between the North and South.
  • California Enters the Union

    California Enters the Union
    UnionCalifornia petitions for statehood, and becomes the thirty-first state in the United States as a result of the compromise of 1850. The matter of California’s statehood was very controversial and caused heated debate in Congress, as it petitioned to be a free state.
  • The Fugitive Slave Law Enacted

    The Fugitive Slave Law Enacted
    slaveThe fugitive slave law stated that any federal marshal who did not arrest a runaway slave would be fined one thousand dollars. The slave would not be given a trial, not testify on his or her own behalf. Only four congressmen voted against this law.
  • Formation of Republican Party

    Formation of Republican Party
    republican The creation of the republication party consisted of northern whigs (those than favored a program of national development), northern democrats, and members of the “Know-Nothing Movement” (general Roman-Catholics) and the Free-Soil Party, an outspoken group during presidential elections.
  • Publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a book that ignited a nation, and was first published in a newspaper, but eventually was transformed into a book that sold nation-wide, and even across seas. The book based on slavery and much in favor of its abolition, it contributed to the Civil war and abolitionist argument, and was very controversial because of its content and biased views on slavery.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act Passed

    Kansas-Nebraska Act Passed
    KansasThis act officially established the states of Kansas and Nebraska. However, this addition to the States caused controversy due to the debate of whether or not slavery should be extended to the two new states. The act therefore stated that the two states could decide for themselves whether or not slavery would be enacted in those states, causing yet more debate and unrest.
  • "Border Ruffians" Attack Lawrence

    "Border Ruffians" Attack Lawrence
    ruffiansAlso known as the “Sack of Lawrence,” the border ruffians who attacked the town consisted of an average of eight hundred armed pro-slavery advocates. Lawrence was the center of Kansas and therefore the anti-slavery movement, and the armed forces proceeded to destroy printing presses, newspaper offices, and loot homes and shops across the entire town. The attack was the first act of armed battle in the Civil War, however, the actual war was not official until five years later.
  • Charles Sumner Attacked

    Charles Sumner Attacked
    SumnerSouth Carolina Congressman, Preston Brooks attacked Charles Sumner, a Massachusetts Senator. Brooks beat Sumner with a cane, as three days earlier Sumner had delivered a speech about slavery that southerners found offensive. Brooks was forced to resign, but was immediately re-elected, and it was three years before Sumner could return to senate.
  • Pottawatomie Creek

    Pottawatomie Creek
    John Brown
    Under cover of darkness, John Brown, a Northerner with strong views about anti-slavery, and his four sons and son-in-law travelled down to Pottawatomie Creek in Franklin County, where pro-slavery settlers were staying. The six men murdered these pro-slavery men, although what was not the original intention.
  • Dred Scott Decision Announced

    Dred Scott Decision Announced
    dred scottDred Scott, a slave who was brought to several free northern states by his slaveholders, sued his master for his freedom. His agreement was that he was no longer a slave when he legally lived in a free state. His case was taken and eventually brought to federal court, finally resulting in the decision decreed by Chief Justice Roger B. Taney: Scott was not a citizen of the United States and was therefore not given the right to sue, and Scott was also not a person, as slaves are property.
  • Lecompton Constitution Passed

    Lecompton Constitution Passed
    The Lecompton Constitution claimed to concretely decide just that. The constitution essentially made slavery legal in Kansas, banned free black men from living in the state, and allowed only men to vote. After three separate votes on the constitution Kansas rejected it on the third.
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    Lincoln-Douglas Debates
    Lincoln-DouglasAbraham Licoln and Stephen Douglas fought in several debates to win the people over. The two men participated in seven debates across Illinois, arguing the critical issues that divided America during that time: slavery and black men independence, as well as popular sovereignty among the states. The debates resulted in Lincoln’s loss, and Doulas gained the seat.
  • Raid at Harper's Ferry

    Raid at Harper's Ferry
    Harpers FerryJohn Brown believed that by securing weapons he and about twenty other men would be able to help free slaves, and as a result they attacked the U.S. Federal Arsenal at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia. The raid lasted almost three days, during which they planned an initiated the attack, fled and attacked a train (killing a free black man aboard), hid for the last day and were eventually captured.
  • Formation of the Constitutional Union Party

    Formation of the Constitutional Union Party
    UnionThe Constitutional Union Party consisted of former Whigs, members of the Know-Nothings and other groups in the South. Twenty state delegates attended the convention in Baltimore, Maryland, and nominated John Bell for President. The party’s goal was to disregard sectional slave issues and focus on following the Constitution.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    LincolnThe four most popular and well-known candidates for the 1860 election were Stephen Douglas, John C. Breckinridge, John Bell, and Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln, a republican and former lawyer, won the election, receiving one-hundred and eighty electoral votes and 1,865,593 popular votes, while Breckenridge got seventy-two electoral votes, Bell thirty-nine and Douglas twelve
  • Democrats Split

    Democrats Split
    splitThe democrats in 1860 became divided when Douglas was chosen as their candidate; Northern democrats supported him while southern democrats desired the abolishment of the Freeport Doctrine and supported a federal slave law.The party split because of their disagreements on slavery, and the fact that half their party were northerner and the other half southerners and because of this.
  • Lincoln's Plan for Reconstruction

    Lincoln's Plan for Reconstruction
    theLincoln's Plan for Reconstruction: 1. Pardon any Confederate who takes an oath to the Union and accepts federal policy of slavery 2. Deny all pardons for the Confederate Military 3. Allow each state to hold a constitutional convention only after 10 percent of voters in-state have sworn allegiance against slavery 4. States would then be able to hold elections
  • Wade- Davis Bill Recieves Poket Veto

    Wade- Davis Bill Recieves Poket Veto
    billThe Wade-Davis Bill was an idea suggested for the Reconstruction of the South written by two Radical Republicans. Unlike Lincoln's, "Ten percent plan," the bill made re-admittance to the Union almost impossible. The bill passed both houses of Congress on July 2, 1864, but was vetoed by Lincoln and never took effect.
  • Lincoln Re-elected President

    Lincoln Re-elected President
    theLincoln was re-elected President of the United States in the election of 1864. He and his vice-president Andrew Jackson won the majority of the votes over George McClellan.
  • Formation of the Freedman's Bureau

    Formation of the Freedman's Bureau
    theFreedmen's Burea was a federal agency formed to help and protect the newly freed African Americans of the South after the Civil War. Formed by the,"bureau of refugees, freedmen, and abandoned lands," act on Mar. 3, 1865. It was to function for one year after the end of the war.
  • Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

    Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
    theAbraham Lincoln was assassinated at Ford theater while attending "Our American Cousin" with his wife. He was assassinated by John Wilks Booth who was an actor in the play and believed he could kidnap Lincoln and exchange him for confederate prisoners of war. Booth stealthely stocked Lincoln and fired a close range shot to the head. Booth was captured in South Carolina two weeks later.
  • Ratification of the Thirteenth Ammendment

    Ratification of the Thirteenth Ammendment
    The Thirteenth ammendment of the United States Constitution ended the instution of slavery in America. The amendment was ratified on December 6th, in 1865.
  • Florida requires segregation in places of public accomodation

    Florida requires segregation in places of public accomodation
    heAfter reconstruction, "Jim Crow" laws appeared throughout the south. In Florida, African Americans were required to segregate from whites in public accomodations. Such as, different bathrooms, water fountains, seating section and much more.
  • Civil Rights Act (1866) Enacted

    Civil Rights Act (1866) Enacted
    theThe United States government was intended to protect the civil rights of African-Americans, after the Civil War. The Act was enacted by Congress but President Andrew Johnson vetoed it. In April 1866 Congress again passed the bill. Although Johnson vetoed it again, two-thirds of the people in each house over-ruled the veto and the bill became law.
  • Ratification of Fourteenth Ammendment

    Ratification of Fourteenth Ammendment
    theThe 14th ammendment provided citizenship for all people born in the United States. It also states people living in a state are citizens of that state. This made black codes unconstitutional, with equal protection clause.
  • President Andrew Johnson announces plans for reconstruction

    President Andrew Johnson announces plans for reconstruction
    theJohnson's plan was better to Southerners who pledged alligence to the Union. It permitted each state to hold a constitutional convention and it required states to void succession, abolish slavery, and repudiate the Confederate debt. Also, it allowed states to hold elections and rejoin the Union.
  • Black Codes created in Mississippi

    Black Codes created in Mississippi
    theThe black codes were a group of laws passed by angry white men after the Civil War and ratification of 13th and 14th ammendments. These laws restricted the rights of African Americans, such as the right to live in town, buy property and run a business.
  • Reconstruction Acts Enacted

    Reconstruction Acts Enacted
    theThe United States Congress passed four statutes known as Reconstruction Acts. Fulfillment of the requirements of the Acts were necessary for the former Confederate States to be readmitted to the Union.
  • President Andrew Johnson Impeached

    President Andrew Johnson Impeached
    the Andrew Johnson was impeached by one vote and was removed from office as a result of high crimes and misdemeanors. During his control Johnson gave pardons to thousands of guilty southerners.
  • Ulysses S. Grant elected President

    Ulysses S. Grant elected President
    theGen. Ulysses S. Grant fought with President Jackson and apointed himself with the Radical Republicans. As the symbol of Union victory during the Civil War, he was their logical candidate for President in 1868.
  • Radification of the Fifteenth Ammendment

    Radification of the Fifteenth Ammendment
    theThis ammendment garunteed the right to vote regardless of race, color, or previous condition of sertivitude.
  • Hiram Revels elected to Senate

    Hiram Revels elected to Senate
    theRevels was a minister and a bright politician. He was the first African American to serve in the United States Senate. He was elected by a vote of 81 to 15 and represented Mississippi in 1870 and 1871 during Reconstruction.
  • Klu Klux Klan Created

    Klu Klux Klan Created
    theDue to the new rights for African Americans whites joined the first terrorist group called the Klu Klux Klan. They covered themselves in long white robes and hoods, planting burning crosses in front of victims homes, dragging, harrassing, torturing and even murdering their victims.
  • Klu Klux Klan Act Enacted

    theThe Ku Klux Act authorizesd President Ulysses S. Grant to declare martial law, and impose heavy penalties against terrorist organizations, and use military force to take down the Ku Klux Klan.
  • Freedman's Bureau Abolished

    theThe Bureau was the most hated tool of Reconstruction and after only 7 years it was discontinued and all remaining business was handed over to the war department. On June 28th, the Secretary of War passed an order discontinuing the bureau, from that point on the remaining actions would be carried out by the United States army general
  • Civil Rights Act (1875) passed

    Civil Rights Act (1875) passed
    theCongress made one last attempt to secure African American civil rights with the Civil Rights Act of 1875. This insured everyone regardless of race, color or previous condition of servitude the same treatment at public accomodations.
  • Last National Troops leave South Carolina

    Last National Troops leave South Carolina
    theAfter President Hayes was elected, he agreed to remove the federal troops from South Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana. This allowed the last of the southern states to be "redeemed" by Democrats.
  • Rutherford B Hayes elected President

    Rutherford B Hayes elected President
    the Hayes was elected in one of the most controversial elections in history, Hayes was the 19th President of the United States and he overlloked the end of Reconstruction and the United States' entry into the Second Industrial Revolution.
  • "Jim Crow" enters the American cultural language

    "Jim Crow" enters the American cultural language
    theThe Jim Crow laws became state and local laws, enacted between 1876 and 1965. They were made for racial segregation in all public areas in Southern states. The separation led to inferior conditions for African Americans and an increase in racism and unfair treatment.
  • Civial Rights Act Overturned (1883)

    Civial Rights Act Overturned (1883)
    theThe Acts were denied after the 8-1 decision of the Court after several cases brought to them. The Court decided that the Civil Rights Act of 1875 was unconstitutional. Neither the 13th nor the 14th amendment allows the Congress to legislate in matters of racial discrimination in the private area.
  • Case of Plessey v. Ferguson

    Case of Plessey v. Ferguson
    theIn 1890, Louisiana passed a law separating blacks and whites on train cars. The case was very contorversal because a 1/8th black man bought a first class train ticket and was denied access to his seet because he was black. He took the case to court and argued using the thirteenth and fourteenth amendments for his defense. The decision was handed down by a vote of 7 to 1.