European History part2

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    *Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin was a scientist in the 1800s. He wrote the orgin of the species and the voyage of the beagle. He is best known for his contributions to the theory of evolution.
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    Friedrich Nietzsche

    Philosophical critic of enlightenment.
  • *Second Industrial Revolution

    The second industrial is belived to have started around 1860. Unlike the first industrial revolution the second was lead by Germany instead of Britain. The main materials were steel, chemicals, electricity, and oil.
  • Education act

    The education act of 1870 established school boards and districts with out church schools.
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    Winston Churchill

    Prime Minister of the UK during WW2.
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    Joseph Stalin

    Leader of The Soviet union from mid 1920s untill his death in 1953
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    Leon Trotsky

    Marxist Revolutionary leader.
  • Married womens property act

    Married women could now own property.
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    Benito Mussolini

    Italian fascist leader.
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    Harry Truman

    Harry truman was the 33rd president of the United States.
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    Nikolai Bukharin

    Soviet Politican.
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    Adolf hitler

    Leader of Nazi germany.
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    Dwight D. Eisenhower

    34th President of the United States.
  • education act

    The education a t of 1902 gave support to both religious and non religious schools.
  • bloody sunday

    In 1905 the tsar's troops violently put down a protest the tsar lost support from citizens.
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    World war i

    First global war, centered in Europe.
  • women given right to vote

    In 1918 women were given the right to vote.
  • * Nuremburg laws

    The nuremburg laws were introduced on sep. 15 1935. The laws excluded the German Jewish population from citizenship. It also did not allow for Jews to marrie Germans.
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    Spanish Civil War

    War between the republicans and the nationalist.
  • *Nazi- Soviet nonagression pact

    The Nazi-Soviet nonagression pact was put in place befor WW2. It was a treaty that prevented military conflict between Nazi-Germany and the Soviet union. The treaty was supost to last for 10 years.
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    *world war 2

    Glodal war between the alliances which included Britain, the united states, france and the soviet union. And the Axis which included Nazi Germany, Japan, and Italy. It resulted in a victory for the alliance.
  • *Manhattan Project

    The Manhattan Project was first introduced in 1942 to create the first US nuclear weapons. this was in response to the nuclear weapons being built by nazi germany. The united states later unes this technology on Japan.
  • * Battle of the Bulge

    The last Major German Offense. Last effort to divide the allie forces. Resulted it an Allie victory. This battle is seen as the turning point of the war.
  • *VE Day

    May 8th 1945 is known as VE day because it was the end of the war in Europe. The war ended in an Allied victory. This also helped with the end of the war in Japan.
  • VJ Day

    The end of war in Japan.
  • *Molotov Plan

    System created by the soviet union in 1947 in order to provide aid to rebuild the countries in eastern europe. The countries it is rebuilding were the 7 satellite states.
  • Truman Doctrine

    American foreiggn policy created to counter soviet geopolitical hegemony during the cold war.
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    Cold War

    The cold war was after world war 2 between the united states and the soviet union.
  • Marshal Plan

    An American initiative to aid western Europe in which the United States gave 13 billion in economic support.
  • NATO

    North Alantic treaty organization intergovernmental military alliance based on the North atlantic treaty.
  • State of Israel

    Middle eastern country created for the jewish population.
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    The Korean War

    Conflict between North and South Korea. In which South korea was aided by the united nations.
  • *Warsaw Pact

    Colective defence treaty among sovietunion and seven soviet satellite states in central and eastern Europe in existence during the cold war. Was created in reaction to the integration of west germany into NATO.
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    The Cold war