European History Important Dates

By Dana56
  • Period: Jan 1, 1348 to Dec 31, 1351

    The Black Plague

    A disease that spread through England, killing about one third on the population.
  • Jan 1, 1350

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    This is just the picture.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1350 to Dec 31, 1550


    The Renaissance was time period after the Dark ages and introduced many new beliefs, such as Individualism and Humanism.
  • Jan 1, 1415

    Council of Constance burns Hus and ends Great Schism

    Council of Constance burns Hus and ends Great Schism
    The Catholic Church is stabalized as the Great Schism ends, though the faith in the Church decreases.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1450 to

    The Exploration Age

    During this time period, many countries began expanding and exploring the new world. Some of these explorers include Magellan and De Gama.
  • Jan 1, 1455

    Invention of the Printing Press

    Invention of the Printing Press
    Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press, which lead to an increase in literacy.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus encounters America, completion of reconquista in Spain

    In search of India, Columbus crosses the Atlantic and discovers America. He killed a lot of the naitves with Small pox. Spain completes the reconquering of the country from the Muslim kingdoms.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    Catholic and Protestant Reformations

    Bloody Mary wanted to reform Egnland. She did not believe the Church of England. Her solution was to kill those who did not conform.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    Price Revolution

    The Price Revolution was a time period where the prices for many services and products skyrocketed.
  • Jan 1, 1517

    Luther posts 95 theses

    Luther posts 95 theses
    Angry and digusted by the greed of the Roman Catholic Church, Martin Luther writes his 95 theses which began the Protestant Reformation.
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Cortez conquers the Aztecs

    Cortez conquers the Aztecs
    When Cortez conquers the Aztecs, the Spanish gains control over South America.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1520 to

    Religous Wars

  • Dec 30, 1534

    Acts of Supremacy creates the Anglican Church

    Acts of Supremacy creates the Anglican Church
    King Henry VIII believed that he was the head of the State and teh Church. Therefore he created the Anglican Church, to allow him his divorce and marriage.
  • Jan 1, 1536

    Calvin establshes reformed Faith in Geneva

    Calvin establshes reformed Faith in Geneva
    This is the beginning of Calvinism and is an importnat event that adds to the Protestant Reformation.
  • Jan 1, 1543

    Fall of Constantinople and the End of the Hundred Years' War

    Fall of Constantinople and the End of the Hundred Years' War
    When Constantinople falls, it signifies the beginning of the Ottomon Empire as well as the fall of the Byzantine Empire.
  • Jan 1, 1543

    Copernicus publishes the Heliocentric theory

    Copernicus publishes the Heliocentric theory
    Copernicus published his works late in his life in order to not face the consequences of going against the Church.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1543 to

    Scientific Revolution

    The Scientific Revolution includes many scientific breakthroughs, such as the works of Newton and Descartes.
  • Dec 30, 1545

    Council of Trent opens

    Council of Trent opens
    The Council of Trent met for a counter-refomation during the Protestant Refomation.
  • Jan 5, 1550

    Age of Crisis

    During this time, there were many economical, political, and scientific reforms.
  • Jan 5, 1550

    Dutch Commercial Dominance

    Dutch Commercial Dominance
    During this time, the Netherlands become extremely important for trade. Amsterdam was the finacial capitol of the world.
  • Dec 30, 1555

    Charles V abdicates

    Charles V abdicates
    Charles V abdicates the throne whoch allows Spain and the Netherlands to become soverign states.
  • Jan 5, 1580

    Witchcraft Scare

    Witchcraft Scare
    During this time, ladies were accused of being witched because of the gender roles that were established in society.
  • Defeat of the Spanish Armada

    Defeat of the Spanish Armada
    The Spanish Armada was defeated by the English. It is one of the great acheivments of Elizabeth I.
  • Edict of Nantes ends French Religous wars

    Edict of Nantes ends French Religous wars
    The relgious wars come to an end when the Hugenots are allowed to practice their beliefs in France.
  • Commercial Revolution

    Commercial Revolution
    1600's - 1700's
    During time period, many European countries had a more secure way of commercialism.
  • Baroque Art

    Baroque Art
    Baroque art did not display very much emotion, instead it depicted power and victory and spiritual beings.
  • Dutch East India Company is created

    Dutch East India Company is created
    The Dutch East India Company moved the capitol of the finacial world to the Netherlands.
  • Conflict Between Parliament and King of England

    Conflict Between Parliament and King of England
    Otherwise known as the English Civil War, Parliment wanted more power than the king so they destroyed the monarchy.
  • Stuart Monarchy begins in England

    Stuart Monarchy begins in England
    When Elizabeth I dies, the Stuart family takes over. This begins with the son of Mary of Scotts.
  • Age of Louis XIV

    Age of Louis XIV
    THough Louis XIV did many good things for France, such as popularizing French culture, he also bakrupt the country and may have been a main reason for the French Revolution.
  • Peace of Westphalia ends the Thirty Years War

    The Peace of Westphalia gave independace to Swiss and the Netherlands.
  • Charles I executed in England

    Charles I executed in England
    When Charles I is executed, it ends the monarchy and the belief of divine right in England.
  • Rise of Prussia

    Rise of Prussia
    Due to many victorious wars, Prussia becomes larger and more important to Europe.
  • Absolutism

    During this time, monarchs who were absolute monarchs had complete control over their country, giving less power to the nobility.
  • Newton publishes Principia Mathmatica

    Newton publishes Principia Mathmatica
    Sir Issac Newton published his theories, which is considered at significant turning point in the scientific revolution.
  • Peter the Great's reign in Russia begins

    Peter the Great's reign in Russia begins
    Peter the Great enjoyed the Europeans' warfare and naval systems that he mimicked it when he came to power. He also centalized the government.
  • Rise of Russia

    Rise of Russia
    Due to rulers such as Peter the Great, Russia become more powerful and influencial.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    This was the only bloodless revolution that has happened. William of Orange replaced James II.
  • Bank of England founded

    Bank of England founded
    The Bank of England was created to keep the economy stable and handle any issues with the currency.
  • Rise of the Middle Class

    Rise of the Middle Class
    Since this was more accessability to education because of the Enlightenment, there was a rise the Middle class.
  • Agricultural Revolution

    Agricultural Revolution
    The agricultural revolution improved many countries' trade as well as providing more food to the world.
  • Enlightenment

    During this time period, people began to question the absolute monarchies as well as religion. It imporved the middle class.
  • Peace of Utrecht

    Peace of Utrecht
    This treaty ended the War of the Spanish Succession and stopped France from gaining land.
  • Death of Louis XIV

    Death of Louis XIV
    Once he died, France was in a lot of debt because of his excessive spending.
  • Rococo Art

    Rococo Art
    Rococo art is brighter and uses more colors to express emotions such as happiness.
  • War for Austrian Succession begins

    War for Austrian Succession begins
    This war leads to an increase of power for Prussia and the Diplomatic Revolution.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    During this time, important work related inverntions were created, such as mass production. This led to people to warehouses and factories to work.
  • Treaty of Paris end 7 Years War

    Treaty of Paris end 7 Years War
    This treaty forces France to give up all of the territory it has in North America.
  • Adam Smith Publishes "Wealth of nations"

    Adam Smith Publishes "Wealth of nations"
    In his book, Smith declines mercantilism and proposes the idea that the government shouldn't interfere with the economy.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The American colonies revolt against England because of unfair taxation. This war costs the English quite a lot of money. The American colonies soon become America.
  • French Revolution begins

    French Revolution begins
    The French Revolution gets rid of the monarchy. France was in a lot of debt due to excessive spending and the people did not enjoy that.
  • Age of Revolution

    Age of Revolution
    During this time, many important revolutions were happening, such as the French and American revolutions. These were changin the style of governments in Europe.
  • Rise of Nationalism

    Rise of Nationalism
    The rise of Nationalism was important in Europe and in America becuase it led to important revolutions.
  • Feminism Movement

    Feminism Movement
    Feminism was a movement for the rights of women. It was started by Mary Wallstonecraft.
  • Wallstonecraft Begins Feminist Movement With "Vindication of the Rights of Women"

    Wallstonecraft Begins Feminist Movement With "Vindication of the Rights of Women"
    Wallstonecraft is believed to be the first feminist. She wites on why women should have more rights.
  • Napoleon comes to power in France

    Napoleon comes to power in France
    The French Revolution comes to an end when Napoleon comes to power. He then started the Napoleonic wars to gain more land.
  • Romanticism

    Romanticism was a new movement that focused on emotions. It can be seen in the art and literature from this time.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    Their main goal was to redraw the boundaries of many countries while still maintaining peace.
  • Second Industrial Revolution

    Second Industrial Revolution
    The second industrial revolution was important because is focues on modes of transportation, making trading easier with trains.
  • Napoleon abdicates

    Napoleon abdicates
    When Napoleon abdicates his power, he ends his empire as well as his wars.
  • Belgian and Greek Independence; July Revolution

    Belgian and Greek Independence; July Revolution
    Both the Belgian and Greek independance as well as the July Revolution changes Europe. The July Revolution pushes for hereditary rule.
  • Rise of Liberalism

    Rise of Liberalism
    Introduced by the Enlightenment, leberalism caused riots from the lower class who wanted more of a say in their government.
  • Marx and Engels Publish "Communist Manifesto"; Revolutions of 1848

    Marx and Engels Publish "Communist Manifesto"; Revolutions of 1848
    This publication of "Communist Manifesto" is later used when the Soviet Union comes into play. There were many revolution in 1848 in many countries such as France and Germany. This brought a lot of social change.
  • Rise of Modern Society

    Due to the second Industrial revolution, society has changed towards a more open minded viewpoint which will shape up to be our society currently.
  • Modern ideas and sciences

    Modern ideas and sciences
    These ideas lead to a more modern society. There were many discoveries and scientific berakthroughs.
  • Imperialism

    During this time, many European countries wanted more power, So they began colonizing many African countries.
  • Realism and Materialism

    Realism and Materialism
    Because of beliefs such as realism and skeptism, many people began valuing their materialistic possessions.
  • Unificiation and Nation Building

    Unificiation and Nation Building
    1850- 1875
    Small lands and fragments were becoming unified under one country, such as Germany and Italy.
  • Crystal Palace Exhibition in Britain

    Crystal Palace Exhibition in Britain
    It closely resembles the World fair and showcased many important inventions, such as the combine.
  • Britain Establishes Direct Rule of India

    Britain Establishes Direct Rule of India
    When Britain takes control over India, they beneit economically with more trade, and with their militray with larger armies.
  • Darwin Publishes "Origin of Species"

    Darwin Publishes "Origin of Species"
    This is important because his writings shows an imporvment to bology.
  • Italy unified; Russian Serfs emancipated

    Italy unified; Russian Serfs emancipated
    Ther Russian Serfs emancipation allowed Russia to move forward economically beause they now had citizens who were making wages. With Italy unified, they become a strong country that play larger roles in the World wars.
  • Modern Art

    Modern Art
    During this time period, artisits started using different mediums and different styles, such as abstract.
  • Paris Commune and Third Republic of France; Unification in Germany

    Paris Commune and Third Republic of France; Unification in Germany
    The unification of Germany is important becuase it lessens Austria's influence over that are. The Thrs Republic is the government that was in place until Germany took France over.
  • Berlin Conference Over Imperialism In Africa

    Berlin Conference Over Imperialism In Africa
    This eleiminates the governments in many African countries as European countries, such as England, start to colonize them.
  • Sigmund Freud Publishes "Interpretation of Dreams"

    Sigmund Freud Publishes "Interpretation of Dreams"
    Freud's writings are important because they are a huge leap forward in psychology.
  • Einstein Publishes Relativity Theory

    Einstein Publishes Relativity Theory
    Einstein's theories are important becuase they help scientist in modern times understand the universe better.
  • WWI Begins

    WWI Begins
    WWI is important because the result hurts Germany economically and causes WWII, which is worse.
  • World Wars

    World Wars
    The World Wars costed the countries who were involved a lot of money and people. Becuae of them, there are certain rules and alliances set in place.
  • Bolshevik Revolutions in Russia

    Bolshevik Revolutions in Russia
    With the tzar gone, the Bolsheviks come into power and creat the Soviet Union.
  • Treaty of Versailles Ends WWI

    Treaty of Versailles Ends WWI
    The Treaty of Versailles puts Germany into a lot of debt and the country then becomes vulnerable.
  • Totalitarianism

    During this time period, many governments changed towards absolute power.
  • Facists and Mussolini Come To Power in Italy

    Facists and Mussolini Come To Power in Italy
    This is important because later on, Mussolini allies with Nazi Germany.
  • Great Depression Begins

    Great Depression Begins
    In the US, the Great Depression hit due to debts from WWI. The stock market crashed and many people lost their jobs.
  • Hitler Comes to Power in Germany

    Hitler Comes to Power in Germany
    When Hitler came to power, he immediatley begins his fight against Jewish people. He blames them for the economic troubles that Germany was going through.
  • Munich Conference- Height of Appeasement

    Munich Conference- Height of Appeasement
    The conference was held by Italy, Great Britain, France, and Germany. It ended with Hitler annexing a part of Czechoslovakia.
  • Beginning of WWII

    Beginning of WWII
    When Hitler invaded and took over Poland marked the beginning of World War II.
  • WWII Ends: United Nations Founded

    WWII Ends: United Nations Founded
    World War two ends with Hitler's suicide and Russia's invasian. This is important becuase the UN is founded. THe UN focuses on inhumane practces on a country's citizens.
  • European Unity

    European Unity
    In order to stop another world war, the European countries make an alliance. They allow citizens travel between these countries without a passport and use the Euro.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    The Cold War was a time period where the US and the USSR had a lt of tension and were on the verge of an actual war.
  • NATO formed

    NATO formed
    NATO was an alliance with many European countries along with the US and Canada to combat the Soviet Union.
  • European Coal and Steel Community Formed

    European Coal and Steel Community Formed
    This community was formed to help the European countries who suffered during WWII. It was also created to stop another European country from starting a world war.
  • Stalin dies

    Stalin dies
    Though Stalin died, the Soviet Union still exists after him. It does however lose power in their military as well as lowers the tension between itself and America.
  • Kruschev's de-Stalinization Speech; Hungary revolts

    Kruschev's de-Stalinization Speech; Hungary revolts
    After Stalin dies, the Russian people tried to erase him from history. Hungary tries to and fails to revolt. However, their fight back is important to the fall of the USSR.
  • Sputnik launches;Treaty of Rome Creates European Economic Community

    Sputnik launches;Treaty of Rome Creates European Economic Community
    Sputnik was a sign to America hat Russia was more advanced then thme which starts the moon race between them. The European Economic Community was a main reason that the EU was formed.
  • Fifth Republic of France Under DeGaulle

    Fifth Republic of France Under DeGaulle
    The Fifth Republic helped centraliezed the French government around the President and is still used today.
  • Berlin Wall erected

    Berlin Wall erected
    The Berlin wall was a boundary,set up to divide both Europe and Germany. The countries to the right of the wall were under Communism and were referred to as the Iron Curtain.
  • Second Vatican Council begins; Cuban Missile Crisis

    Second Vatican Council begins; Cuban Missile Crisis
    This council made many changes to the Catholic Church such as changing the sermons from Latin to other languages. This made the Church more modern. The Cuban Missile Crisis was an important time during the Cold War since there was tension between all of the countries involved.
  • May 1968 Events in France; Czech "Prague Spring" Revolt

    May 1968 Events in France; Czech "Prague Spring" Revolt
    There was a revolt in a country in the Iron Curtain that was kept under control and was ended. There was protesting in France that hurt their economy but shortly after ended.
  • Helsinki Accords- Height of Detente

    Helsinki Accords- Height of Detente
    This was an agreement that was intended for those that were involved in NATO and the Warsaw Pact. It was ignored however. It stated that all countries who signed would allow their citizens basic human rights as well as religious freedoms.
  • John Paul II Elected Pope

    John Paul II Elected Pope
    John Paul II changed and socially reformed the Catholic Church. He did not look down on other beleifs, he embraced them.
  • Thatcher elected Prime Minister in England; Soviet Union invades Afghanistan

    Thatcher elected Prime Minister in England; Soviet Union invades Afghanistan
    Thatcher stopped England from becoming a socialistic state. She also helped with the effort to stop the Iron curtain. When the Soviet Union invades Afghanistan, they ruin both themselves financially as well as Afghanistan socially.
  • Solidarity founded in Poland

    Solidarity founded in Poland
    This is important because it leads to Poland, a country in the Iron Curtain, to being against a communistic rule.
  • Gorbachev Comes to Power in the Soviet Union

    Gorbachev Comes to Power in the Soviet Union
    When Gorbachev comes to power, he reforms the Soviet Union. He ends the Cold War which leads to the downfall of the USSR.
  • Berlin Wall falls and collapse of communism

    Berlin Wall falls and collapse of communism
    The Berlin Wall which was dividing Germany and Europe into two parts, communists and non-communists, is destroyed.
  • Balkan conflicts begin in former Yugoslavia, beak up of Soviet Union

    Balkan conflicts begin in former Yugoslavia, beak up of Soviet Union
    When these conflicts arise, it soon leads to the break up of Yugoslavia into many small countries. This in balkanization. The Soviet Union breaks up allows the country to be free again.
  • The Maastricht Treaty

    The Maastricht Treaty
    This treaty created the European Union. This united certain countries in Europe.
  • The Euro introduced

    The Euro introduced
    The Euro was introduced as a currency on this date. It is used by all of the countries who take part in the European Union
  • The Terrorist attack on the US

    The Terrorist attack on the US
    There was a terrorist attack on the US, causing the World Trade Center to collaspe.