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Erikson Timeline made by Makayla Regevig

  • James Enjoys the First Year of Life

    James Enjoys the First Year of Life
    James is born to a young couple who are warm, loving, and responsive to his needs . This is Erik Erikson's first stage of the lifespan theory, Trust vs Mistrust. This crisis occurs in the first 18 months of life. James' first year of life effectively helped him trust his surroundings and environment as he aged (trust). If instead a child's first 18 months were surrounded by unreliable adults, and fear, then James may have become fearful, wary, and anxious in his adult life (mistrust).
  • James Gets Married!

    James Gets Married!
    James decides to get married at age 25! James is a young adult experiencing the crisis of Intimacy vs Isolation. During this stage, a focus point is put on relationships. Those who achieve intimacy will accomplish fulfilling and meaningful relationships with others while those who fall towards Isolation may lean towards loneliness and social anxiety.
  • James feels disconnected from his community.

    James feels disconnected from his community.
    During James 40's he struggles to get involved in activities with family and friends. This stage of the theory is called Generatively vs Stagnation. Those who succeed at this stage (Generativity) are focused on ensuring the well-being of future generations by working, volunteering, and being active in the community. Those who fail this stage take little interest in productivity, and are often disconnected from their community. James is experiencing stagnation.