Erikson's Stages PSY 150 Patience

  • School Age (Industry vs Inferiority)

    School Age (Industry vs Inferiority)
    Michael (8 years old) is in the 3rd grade. Michael does well academically in school and gets along with his peers and has many friends. In Erickson's 4th stage the crisis is between developing a sense of success and competence or having a lack of success and feeling like a failure. Success tends to build upon success and failure leads to more failure (without intervention).
  • Adolescence (Identity vs. Role Confusion)

    Adolescence (Identity vs. Role Confusion)
    Shortly after his 13th birthday Michael decided to dye his hair blue, change the decor of his bedroom, and change how he dressed. His mom supported him but his father was distressed about his decisions. In Erikson's 4th stage, identity vs. role confusion, the crisis is between being able to explore and develop your own sense of self and personal identity and the failure to so - leading to a weak sense of self.
  • Middle Adulthood (Generativity vs Stagnation)

    Middle Adulthood (Generativity vs Stagnation)
    Michael (43 years old) decided to move his family from Anchorage to his hometown in Rural Alaska. He took a job as the City Manager. Michael want to feel he is giving back to his community and wants his children to be more connected to the culture he grew up with. In Erikson's 7th stage the crisis is between feeling that you are positively impacting your environment (family, work, society) or feeling that you have failed in this respect.