
Erikson Psychological Stages Timeline

  • Stage V

    Stage V
    At this point, Cadence is now completing her senior year of high school (18 years old) and must make a decision on where to attend college and what she wants to begin taking classes in.
    In Erikson's fifth stage, Identity versus role confusion, the crisis is that the person must make a decision regarding choices that can affect their whole future and who they become.
  • Stage VI

    Stage VI
    Cadence is now 25. Her and her fiancee have been together for five years and are now planning their wedding. She is making the commitment to be with him and share the rest of her life with him.
    In Erikson's sixth stage, Intimacy versus Isolation, the person must choose whether to spend their time with and commit to a relationship with someone or to spend their time on their own.
  • Stage VII

    Stage VII
    Cadence is now 45 and she wants give back the community. She decides that volunteering is the best way and as an MT-BC, decides to work with a weekly music therapy group to offer free group sessions (designed for children) to anyone who shows up.
    In Erikson's seventh stage, Generativity versus Stagnation, the person decides how they will spend their time, if they want to give back to the community, plan a trip, etc. By doing this, they are deciding how they want to be productive in their time.
  • Stage VIII

    Stage VIII
    Cadence is now 68 and is ready to retire. As she looks back on her life, she decides that she is happy with what she has accomplished and what she has done for her community, even if it only had a small impact.
    In Erikson's eighth stage, Ego Integrity versus Despair, the person looks back on their life and chooses whether they are happy with everything they have done or if they have regrets about things they did or did not do.