Language Learning Timeline

  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born the 5th of october of 2002 at 21:00 in the Terrrassa hospital. It was a saturday.
  • Kindergarden

    I went to Kindergarden, it was called Petit Príncep.
    I went there when I was 1 year old.
  • School

    I entered school when I was about to be 3 years old.
    The school is called Purificació Salas Xandri.
  • My Sister

    My Sister
    In January of 2008 my sisteer was born. She was a little bit smaller and lighter than me as a baby.
  • English Academy

    English Academy
    I first went to an English academy at the age of 11.
    That same year I went abroad alone 3 weeks.
    It's called ELMS SCHOOL.
  • My first Mobile Phone

    My first Mobile Phone
    I got my first mobile phone because I was going to go abroad with the english school.
    It was a Samsung Galaxy Trend +.
  • High School

    High School
    I first went to high school at the age of 12.
    Nowadays I am still studying here, in INS Sant Quirze.
    I was a bit nervous but alwent as I hoped.
  • New York

    New York
    I went to New York with my family at the age of 12.
    The american accent was a bit different than I expected.
    I saw a basketball match between NY knikcs and Raptors.
  • Miami

    I went to Miami in 2014.
    I stayed 1 month there.
    I went to Disney World and Universal Studios, in Orlando.
    I ate aligator and frog feet.
  • Driving License

    Driving License
    At the moment I'm studying for the driving license that you can get at the age of 15.
    I'm doing well and I am anxious to get it.