English 3H Final Exam Timeline - Elsa Shaikh

  • Period: to

    Early American Literature

  • Anne Bradstreet dies

    Anne Bradstreet dies
    Being an Early American writer, Anne Bradstreet wrote many poems. Most of her poems revolved around her family of eight kids and a husband. Her death was not the only tragedy in her life. When she wrote "Here Follow Some Verses upon the Burning of Our House", it was the result of her own house burning down. She said that her biggest regret was that her children would not be able to grow up there. However, she says that she knows God has plans for her in heaven and she is waiting.
  • Puritan victory of King Phillip's War part two

    Puritan victory of King Phillip's War part two
    just another historical picture
  • Puritan victory of King Phillip's War

    Puritan victory of King Phillip's War
    The Puritan victory of King Phillip's War was the end of the Puritan and Native American dispute. Before they came to America, Native Americans lived on the land. They thought they were only caretakers of it. They also told stories through oral tradition before European forms. When the Puritans came in 1620 they had other ideas. Puritans believed they owned the land, so a tension arose among the two. Their written stories mainly told that man is a sinner and can avoid punishment if he converts.
  • The first hanging of the Salem witch trials

    The first hanging of the Salem witch trials
    The first hanging of the Salem witch trials became the first of many in this brutal time period. The Salem witch trials were part of a time when people were accused of witchcraft. Being a treacherous sin, people accused of witchcraft often were put on trial and did not win. "The Crucible", by Arthur Miller, shows the harshness and brutalities of the Salem witch trials. The belief that witchcraft was wrong caused our world to think unreasonably. "The Crucible" shows that thinking of our world.
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  • The War of 1812 is over

    The War of 1812 is over
    The end of the War of 1812 marked the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. American separated from Britain, so they had to produce goods on their own. The Industrial Revolution was a forcing factor towards the Romanticism era. The negative effects of this time allowed writers to turn to nature for simplicity and truth. Writers began to form connections with nature and the individual. They saw the importance of imagination and the common man. They also used strong emotions in their writing.
  • The Raven

    The Raven
    The Raven was a poem written by poet Edgar Allen Poe. Poe was a writer in the Romantic era, however his focus was not the same as other Romantics. He was part of the "brooding romantics". This group mainly believed in opposite of the other Romantics. They thought that the human had space for evil and did not have an inherent goodness. However, the emphasis on nature and emotion were the same. Poets like Poe used gothic elements like grotesque characters, strange situations, and brutal events.
  • Henry David Thoreau moves into the woods

    Henry David Thoreau moves into the woods
    Henry David Thoreau was a transcendentalist. Transcendentalists were a group in the Romantic era that believed in independence and in living a simple life. They stressed on how there is a truth found in nature, emotion, and imagination. They also believed that there was an inherent goodness in people. Thoreau's "Life in the Woods" showed the theme that one should try his best to simplify his life. His narrative portrayed how he went to the woods to discover what the world could teach him.
  • The Mexican-American War begins

    The Mexican-American War begins
    In 1846, the Mexican-American War broke out. This war began because America believed in manifest destiny. The Americans thought they had the right to own all the Pacific Ocean and Mexican territory. Obviously, Mexicans were against this. During this time, writers also believed that this war was unethical. This was because writers were very passionate about human rights. They thought that the war was only a way to increase slavery.
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    Romanticism to Realism

  • Leaves of Grass

    Leaves of Grass
    "Leaves of Grass" was a poem published by Walt Whitman. During the Romanticism to Realism era, Whitman was considered as a rule-breaker. He wrote many of his poems in free verse which was a style that went against the traditional rhyme scheme.
  • The First Battle of Bull Run

    The First Battle of Bull Run
    Before the First Battle of Bull Run, the Civil War was used for the ideal of the Romantic hero. Many young men and boys were afraid that there would not be enough time for them to become this romantic/war hero. However, after the First Battle of Bull Run perspectives changed. This event revealed the harsh realities of war. It changed the way many writers looked upon life. They began focusing towards reality instead of imagination. They also began to use plain and simple styles of writing.
  • Success is Counted Sweetest

    Success is Counted Sweetest
    Another rule-breaker poet was Emily Dickinson. Her writing was a more complex style than Whitman's. Even thought both Whitman and Dickinson had different styles of writing, they both believed that poetry had a lot more to say. They both believed that traditional writing styles were insufficient ways to express poetry. The only way to get out that message was by overstepping the boundaries of traditional writing. One poem that Dickinson displayed that in was "Success is Counted Sweetest".
  • The Civil War ends

    The Civil War ends
    After the Civil War ended a new form of writing called slave narratives were introduced. These slave narratives explained the brutal lives of the slaves and what they really felt on the matter of slavery. During that time, it was believed that it was important to show the Americans what kind of torture they were doing. The people needed to be guided to see that they should really care and be concerned about how they were treating the African Americans prior to the Civil War.
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  • James Joyce is born

    James Joyce is born
    James Joyce was a major literary figure during the Modern Era. In his work he gave realism a new meaning. He introduced characteristics of modernism such as the modern hero and stream of consciousness. Stream of consciousness was a belief during that time period that the human needs to focus on the actions performed while unconscious. In writing, it meant to capture an individual's thought without interference. Joyce also kept old values in tact such as feelings of separation and isolation.
  • Langston Hughes is born

    Langston Hughes is born
    Langston Hughes was one of the many voices that spoke during the Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance was a time of musical, literary, and artistical movement. In this time period, writing was written and more focused on by African Americans. For example, Hughes wrote "I, Too" which talks about how a little boy has the right to sit among other guests. Other voices during this time included Countee Cullen and Claude McKay.
  • 19th Amendment passed

    19th Amendment passed
    The 19th Amendment allowed women the right to vote. This reflected the beliefs of the Modern era because women were standing up for their rights. Along with the right to vote, more women began working and there was also an introduction of the "flappers". This time period was called the Roaring Twenties and was reflected on in the writing. One work that conveyed this was F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby." His work portrayed the attitude of the era, but it also showed the loneliness of man.
  • The stock market crash

    The stock market crash
    The stock market crash of 1929 was the major event that lead America into the Great Depression. During this time, the only hope the Americans had was the American Dream. This dream told that the land was full of opportunity and sometimes it displayed a spiritual connection. However, the American Dream was a deception. "Of Mice and Men", by John Steinbeck, shows how misleading the American Dream is. It shows how it is unachievable even with hard work.