Engineering robotics timeline

  • The first robot made

    In early 1950 the earliest Robot was made by George C. Devol, an inventor from Louisville, Kentucky.
  • Squee: The Robot Squirrel

    Squee, the robotic squirrel was made in 1951 and was one of the first robots to be experimented with. He was 75% reliable at finding 'nuts' (tennis balls).
  • LISP was invented

    The programming language LISP (short for "List Processing”) is invented in 1958 by John McCarthy at MIT.
  • Unimate is made!

    UNIMATE, the first mass-produced industrial robot, and began work at General Motors.
  • Dendral The AI

    In 1965, A Stanford team led by professors Ed Feigenbaum, Joshua Lederberg and Carl Djerassi creates DENDRAL, the first “expert system.”
  • Star wars

    The Blockbuster Star Wars change the view of robots throughout the world.
  • Computer defeats master chess player

    David Levy is the first master chess player to be defeated by a computer. The program Deep Thought defeats Levy who had beaten all other previous computer counterparts since 1968.
  • Nintendo releases the Game Boy handheld game console

    Nintendo Releases a 'Gameboy including the new graphics for 50 games, all in a singular device.
  • Nintendo releases the Game Boy handheld game console

    Sony enters the home gaming market with the release of the PlayStation console in Japan in 1994 and in the US a few months later.
  • Nvidia releases the GeForce 256

    Video applications for personal computers drive demand for increased graphical performance.