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Educational Psychology

  • 348

    Development and Education by Platon

    Development and Education by Platon
    Education consists in helping the Rational soul to gain control of the body and the other parts of the soul.
    Plato's main disciple, Aristotle, would develop the first systematic psychology.
  • 1531

    Juan Vives educational psychology

    Juan Vives educational psychology
    He is known as the first systematic pedagogue of modern times. He applied psychology in education, opposed the scholastic methods, recommending the use of the inductive and experimental method. He was the forerunner of the mother tongue alongside the classics, and a defender of women's culture.
  • Modern Philosophy Descartes

    Modern Philosophy Descartes
    Modern philosophy is defined as the intention to reach the same terms of intellectual involvement to solve problems that arise, it is the basis of knowledge.
  • Herbart learning interests

    Herbart learning interests
    Students do best with a topic of interest to learn, and teachers should consider it to teach.
  • Observational learning by Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

    Observational learning by Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
    Pestalozzi's pedagogy aimed to include new contributions to early childhood education while respecting the child's development to achieve a comprehensive education where one of the important factors is play, since through exploration and observation the child learns in a meaningful way.
  • Francis Galton Intelligence Questionnaires (Great Britain).

    Francis Galton Intelligence Questionnaires (Great Britain).
    Galton designed a series of questionnaires to measure the traits and characteristics of population groups that he considered relevant, seeing that people with better social and economic position tended to show greater signs of intelligence than the rest. These studies also allowed him to see that intelligence, like physical characteristics, is statistically expressed through a normal distribution.
  • Experimental Psychology by Wilhelm Wundt

    Experimental Psychology by Wilhelm Wundt
    Wundt: (Great Britain) He founded his laboratory in leipzing where for the first time he used measurement in experimentation. His method was based on introspection which is an ancient form of self-analysis.
  • Educational Psychology by Charles Judd

    Educational Psychology by Charles Judd
    The object of study of the psychology of education for Judd should then be to analyze the mental processes through which the child apprehends the systems of accumulated social experience, whose processes are not reducible to a series of stimuli and responses, but rather involve the ability to organize, synthesize and transform the experience.
  • First American Psychology Organization

    First American Psychology Organization
    In 1883 he founded the first psychology laboratory in the United States, in 1887 he created the American Journal of Psychology, and he also had a key influence in the creation of the American Psychological Association, of which he was president for 31 years.
  • IQ Test by Alfred Binet

    IQ Test by Alfred Binet
    It developed IQ tests originally designed to help the French government identify children with educational delays.
  • Active Learning by John Dewey

    Active Learning by John Dewey
    He believed that schools should focus on students rather than subjects. He advocated for active learning.
  • First Book of Educational Psychology by William James

    First Book of Educational Psychology by William James
    "Talks to Teachers on Psychology" is considered the first textbook on educational psychology.
  • Educational psychology as a scientific discipline.

    Educational psychology as a scientific discipline.
    Thorndike's learning theory represents the original E-R framework of behavioral psychology: learning is the result of associations that form between stimuli and responses. Such associations or "habits" are strengthened or weakened by the nature and frequency of E-R pairings.
  • Early education Maria Montessori

    Early education Maria Montessori
    Emphasizes the need to encourage the natural development of students' abilities through self-direction, exploration, discovery, practice, collaboration, play, deep concentration, imagination, or communication.
  • Gestalt psychology.

    Gestalt psychology.
    Gestalt psychology (also form psychology or configuration psychology) is a current of modern psychology, emerged in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century, whose most recognized exponents were the theorists Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Köhler, Kurt Koffka and Kurt Lewin.
    It emphasizes the subjective experiences of each person, gives importance to positive aspects of psychology such as self-realization and the search for correct decisions.
  • Wallon psychopedagogy laboratory.

    Wallon psychopedagogy laboratory.
    Seek the optimal conditions that provoke a thought, a way of feeling. Consider the affective and emotional determinants of the students. Develops psychological structures: Complex and interactive networks of thought, emotion and affectivity. You must educate to face everyday life.
  • Two-factor pedagogy according to Freinet

    Two-factor pedagogy according to Freinet
    Freinet wants the school to be alive, a continuation of the life of the people and the environment with its problems and realities. For this he proposes an educational process centered on: The child: "any pedagogy that is not part of the student is a failure, for him and for his needs and his most intimate applications".
  • Skinner: '' Industrial Design ''

    Skinner: '' Industrial Design ''
    Skinner believed that traditional teaching relied heavily on punishment; In operant terms, he stated that the behavior of the students in the classroom was controlled mainly by aversive stimuli. This means that children learned to act in such a way as to avoid poor grades, criticism from adults, or teasing from peers.
  • The future of educational psychology.

    The future of educational psychology.
    According to Cesar Coll, the Psychology of education is an applied discipline that has to generate knowledge about its specific object, with a professional intervention aspect, which is what differentiates it from other areas of non-applied but rather basic psychological knowledge.
  • Inclusive education according to UNESCO

    Inclusive education according to UNESCO
    An inclusive school is one that does not have selection mechanisms or discrimination of any kind, and that transforms its operation and pedagogical proposal to integrate the diversity of the students, thus favoring social cohesion, which is one of the purposes of education.