Educational Philosophy

  • National School Lunch Act

    National School Lunch Act
    Legislation signed into law that provided for low-cost or free lunch to students.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    Created systems of accountability, raised standards, paved way for future legislation such as the Bilingual Education Act. Saw many failings, such as the NCLB Act.
  • "A Nation at Risk" Report Released

    "A Nation at Risk" Report Released
    This report turned a critical eye to the nation's education, finding it needed large scale reforms.
  • Student loan debt hits $1 trillion

    Student loan debt hits $1 trillion
    In a government report, student loan debt was found to hit $1 trillion in 2011. Ever since, it has only increased, casting doubt over the value of higher education, future employment, and the role of schools.
  • Trump Administration appoints Betsy Devos

    Trump Administration appoints Betsy Devos
    Betsy DeVos is an advocate for school choice, giving an advantage to charter schools in Arizona and the nation.
  • Red for Ed Movement

    Red for Ed Movement
    Although there are many unknowns, the Red for Ed movement gained national attention and a strong response. The full implications and potential improvements to education have yet to be realized, but the conversation and movement will continue.