
Edgar Allan Poe's Life

  • birth

    Edgar was born at Boston, Massachusetts
  • parents

    his parents get devourced and his mother Elizabeth takes the children.
  • mother's death

    Elizabith Poe dies.
  • adoption

    His brother lives with his grandparents, his sister was adopted by a another family, and he was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. John Allan.
  • Period: to

    School in UK

    The family, moved to UK in 1815. Poe attended the grammar school in Irvine, Scotland where his foster father was born for a short period in 1815.
  • Period: to

    Back to Richmond

    Continues studying in Richhmond and shows interst in Latin, poetry, acting and swimming.
  • Love

    Fell in love and secretly engaged to Sarah Elmira Royster
  • College life

    Went to the University of Virginia and incurs gambling debts
  • After graduating

    Fights with his father, moves to Boston, then enrolls in U.S. Army as “Edgar A. Perry”, and publishes Tamerlane and Other Poems in Boston
  • Foster mother's death

    Frances Allan dies, 28 February
  • Military life

    Poe transferred to Fortress Monroe, Virginia.
    Became a Sergeant Major
    Left the army in March
    Wrote Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane, and Minor Poems
  • first short staory

    first short staory
    “MS. Found in a Bottle” (short story) wins literary prize; is published in Baltimore Saturday Visitor,
    19 October
  • Father's death

    John Allan dies
  • Period: to

    Beginning of career

    “Hans Pfaal” (first modern science fiction story) published in Richmond’s Southern Literary Messenger, March issue
    Moves to Richmond in mid-summer to join Messenger editorial staff
    Courts cousin, Virginia Clemm
    Brings Virginia and her mother to Richmond
    Marries Virginia Clemm (age 13) in Richmond, 16 May
    Increases Messenger circulation
    Resigns from Messenger
    Moves to New York, January
  • Period: to


    Becomes assistant editor of Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine in June
    Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque includes “The Fall of the House of Usher”
    Fights with editor of Burton’s, leaves in May
  • career

    Becomes editor of Graham’s Magazine in February
    “Murders in the Rue Morgue”
    (first modern detective story)
  • Period: to


    “The Pit and the Pendulum”
    “The Masque of the Red Death”
    “The Mystery of Marie Rogêt”
    Interviews Charles Dickens in March
    “The Tell-Tale Heart”
    “The Gold Bug”
    “The Black Cat”
    “The Rationale of Verse
  • Period: to

    New York

    Moves to NYC
    Publishes Thee Raven and some tales
  • Wife's death

    Virginia Clemn dies.
  • publishing

    Publishes Eureka, The Bells, and Ulalume
  • Death

    Edgar Allan Poe dies.