
By paman
  • China and Opium War

    Imports of opium to China increased leading to greater numbers of Chinese becoming addicted and causing socio- economic problems
  • China and Opium War

    The Chinese government confiscates and destroys a considerable amount of opium
  • China and Opium War

    The Treaty of Nanjing, between Great Britain and China, is signed, ending the First Opium War
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Established limitations on what manufacturers could put in pharmaceutical and food products
  • Alcohol and the Temperance Movement

    Social movement against the consumption of alcoholic beverages
  • National Prohibition

    Tens of thousands of people died as a result of prohibition related violence and the drinking of unregulated alcohol. it was repealed because it was an unenforceable policy
  • National Prohibition

    Thousands of people died as a result of prohibition related violence and the drinking of unregulated alcohol. Was later repealed
  • Harrison Act

    Was the first measure to control narcotics trafficking
  • Amphetamine

    Marketed as Benzedrine in an over-the-counter inhaler to treat nasal congestion, hay fever and common colds.
  • Uniform Drug Act

    Wanted states to pass uniform state laws to match the federal Narcotic Drug Import and Export Act. Only 9 states adopted the Act
  • Marijuana

    Ann Arbor City decriminalized cannabis, with a penalty $5 fine. Was overturned by Republicans but reinstated by voters
  • Cocaine

    The National Household Survey on Drug Abuse reported in 1999 cocaine was used by 3.7 million people in the US